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CHAP. VI. ~ Chap. 6; ~ Anfwering Jome Qpesrions, how far and in what manner the Threatnings of the Word /hould work upon the Fear of a converted Perfon. 6. THE Sixth General. There are fame Q!.eltions which I /hall propound concerning this Grace, and fa /hall clear Objections as I handle· them. R!!!Jfion r. Firll, How far lhould the Threatnings of the Word work upon the Fear of a converted Pcrfon? I anl\ver, Every Aflectio n mull be exercifed upon its proper Object; for they were planted by the hand of God in the nature of the Reafonable Creature, and therefore none of them mull be eradicated, but mull be regularly exercifed. Now as the Love of God is the Loadllone of my Love, fo the J uflice ofGod · is che Object of my Fear. and cherefore chefe Threatnings mull work upon the Soul. 2 . Secondly, That thefeThreatnings mull worl< upon the Soul, it appears by this; becaufe <hey are part of the iv!edium whereby God doth bring the Soul to himfelf, and whereby he docb direct che Soul in <he way chat leads to Life. There is an Ini· tial Fear in <he Soul wh ich prepares the ·way for the Spirit of Adoption, and fame• ~~;~~~:~o\~et~~~u~~~f~r~vi~1~i~::h,~~~iss;,;:.~~ ~:!he t{f;ht ~rf.o~~at~:~~~'f~f,:~~:: vens where it is not prefent. There is alfo a Fear of God's Judgments which bath not only the Spiri< for its Original, bm <he Spirit for i<s Companion. This Fea r of God's Thrcatnings is no< oncly from the Spiri< but with the Spirit, and therefore the Spirit of God is called the Spirit of Fear, Ifo. 11. 2. Now this Fear the Spirit makes ufe of w_hile we live in this Worjd, to dire£l: us in the Way to Heaven. Thereforefincethe Terrours of the Lord are part of the Spirits DifCipline, certainly a gracious Man ibould fear God's Threat nings. ~. ThirdiJ, In the Scripture the Threatnings of God .are frequently propounded to ~~~~~~~" ~~dn~~~~a~n?.'rv~\~~ r~ffi~~ ~~0b~ ;;}'~(;~~~~rom~ht.T1TI!·~~o"cfl;'~~:~ certainly knew the Mind of God and the Tenour of the Gofpel, and yet you /hall find his chofen Arguments to excite u< to ferve God are many times drawn from the Fear of lois Judgments. There are two places very remarkable, one in the 12. Heb. :~~):~; ~~~:a~h~:b;,~e ":~7£~: ~:;:~:~;;:cl:!: ~tif~;:;;;~~; ;:':t~:ft; F:a~~d, J.;~ 011r God is a con{uming Fire. Now obferve, that the Apoftle fpcaks here to thofe that had an Interefi: in the l(jngdom which cannot be 11Joved: And faith the Apoftle, Let us have Grace, that is, Let us exercife Grace fa as to ap?roach and ferve him _with Godly Fear; and why, for our God is a confoming fire. The other Scripture is in Ph~!. 2. 12. Work out your own Salvation with Fear and Trembling, Where you may obferve the Apoftle doth emphatically fpeak, not of doing it with Faith and Love, but with Fear and Trembling; and this Fear and Trembling is a Poflure fit tor us till we come to the Gate of Heaven. To conclude this Q£!cfi:Jon, Imow that our Saviour who was the Author of the Gofpel, preacheth it to his Difciples, Lok. 12. )· Fear him n>hitb after be hath ki!led, !Jaeb power to ea{! into Hell; yea, I [4J unto you, feM him. And therefore <hofc wamon Spirits that are all for Oily Doctrines, that will endure to hear of nothing but the Riches of Grace, cheat themfelves; they flatter themfelve• rat~ ~~~%~:1 ~:::,n f~o6: J~~~:~·:1;.,et,:r~ ~~lli:e~ll~:, i~h~o~~~~a~~~n~so~t~~ mt1ft work upon Believers. R!!fjlion 2. In what manner mull the Feat· of God's Judgments work upon Be· lievers? I anfwer in there Propofitions, r. Firp, In the general all our Religious Acts mufi be ultimately terminated upon God.. Take that as a Rule, as his Commands mull be the Principle to 1\vay the Confcience, fa his Glory muft he the Aim and the Defign of a Chrifl1an. God muff be the beginning, the middle, the end of all our Ailions; and therefore when I come' to difcourfe what Influence Fear muft have, carry thi• with you. •· Altheugit