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CH A P. VII. An Exhortation ro the Fear of God. LET me prefs upon you this eminent Grace, a Grace _that in this refj1ea hath J fpccial Prerogative and Singular.iry that attends it7 whereas many other.GraceS ofrhe Chrifl:ian Life are but Refpeaivc Graces,, they onely concern fame Per: fons, fomo Conditions, and fome States of Life; but tbe fear of God, 01all l call i( a fingle Grace or rather an univerfal Grace, that refpeCls all Perfons in all States, and at all Times. It is not a greater Abfurdiry for a Carpenter to be without his Rule, than for a Chrifban to be without the Fear of God. This is that Grace which is the Direftor of all orher Graces, and therefore let us fear him. But efpecially upon this Account, fear the Lord becaufe it is the belt Prefervative againft lin; The Love of God is that which conlhains us to Service , the Fear of God is that which checks and reftrains us from Difobedience. This will preferve the Soul in the ffiidfi of fnaies ;· lay but this Fear afide and you willfall in plain Ground. Thus we read of Lot, by the Fear of God he was prefcrved m the midll: of defiled Sodom; but when he laid that afide he finned upon the Mount . Therefore as you defire to keep your fclves fpotlefs, fa let the Fear of God reign in you. Remember our whole Lives arc a continued Temptation, we walk in the mi~fi ~ffi1are5. 0 confider, that although the Enemy be: withcut us, yet the Traitor is within us, I mean our deceitful hcans; and therefore fear God with a Fear ~f Reverence~ and fear your hearts with a Fear of Jcaloufy: If this Grace do but tak~ 1ts Regency m the Soul, the Devil may furround us, but he cannot furprize us . It is then with the Temptations of Satan as it is with eafling Fire upon a Marble Pavemenr, which can do no hmt; but if you call in but one fpark im~ Gunpowder it cauleth a_ Conflagration: If the Fear of God gua1·ds the Heart, the Temptations of the Devil are but like cafting Fire upon Marble, t!1ere is no danger;· but remove this Bridle once, and every Temptation is like a: fpark in Gunpowder. The World without us prevails over us becaufe of the World within us> aod it is onely the Fear of God that keeps the Sou: always upon its Watch and Guard. And confider, it is as a Duty which you areobliged to now under the Gofpel. There are various Attnbuces m God, and as hts J ufbce doth not devour Ius Mercy, fo his Mercy doth not violate his Jull:ice; and there mull: be proportionable _Affctl'ionS. in us 10 the Attributes in God. As he is the God of Mercy, fo l !hould love and fear him too ; but as he is a jull: Cod, fo our Fear is properly terminated upon him. Remember this, it every Grace of the Soul fbould langui!h, yet the Fear of God Iall: of all remains; that is the Bond of the New Covenant, I lvi/1 put my F~a.r iizto their hearts that they /ball not depart from me ; this is that Grace that is of mofl U ni~ verfal Ufe and InAuence in the Chriftian's Life; and therefore let us exercife this Duty, this Aflcaion, that fo we may be truly wife, we may qe wife for our [elves; and wife towards God. ---------·-· -~-------· -·--- -···---~« CH A P. VIII. What Heavenly Wijilom is. T . HE Fear of the Lord is Wifdom.. Having ?pened the Subjea the F"r of the Lord, the next thmg. t~ be opened r.s the Predrcate, th•t _is Wifdom_. It is record: in point~~f:~~ie~~~: ~~ii :! ~i,~h~~;r;~:v~:;£t'":,;,t:h! ~e~r~aro~n~r 0~r~~~:o This Fear of the Lord is that which will intitle a Man wife for ever. Now for the more clear Difcovcry of this I will I. Confider in the Genera.i what this Heavenly Wifdom is. . •. 2. Upon w!Jat acco~nt 1t IS that t.he Fear _of the Lord is Wifdom, the he~~~~fd~% i';"~~~f,~g.and Without wluch Fear; Seraphical ArigeBbbbbif Pot