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jub;2.8. 1. There is that which he calls a Wifdom Univcrfal. 2. A Particular Wifdom. Now the Particular Wifdom is this, when we fee a Perfon excellent in an Art we fay that Man is wife as to that Profeffion. The Univerfal Wifdom and that ,;hich is in Perfection is this, when there is a Knowledge of thofe Principles and Means which have a Tendency to a Mao's abfolute Happinefs. Now this is the Wifdom that here I fl12ll rreat of; and before I fbew you the Connexion of God's Fear with it, or how the Fear of God is this Wifdom, we will confider I. Wifdom in its Caufes. 2. Wifdom in its Objects. 3· Wifd9m in its Acts. 4· Wifdom in its Scope and Aim. _ FirJf,, The Caufe of this Heavenly Wifd~m. This Wifdom is a Divine Ray or Emanation which flows from the Father of Lights. There ts a Spmt in M.n: and the lnfpiwion of the Almighty givetb them .underjlanding. Man hath the Faculty, but God mull enlighten that Faculty. A D~al1s capable to fbew us the Hour of the Day,. bu t the Sun mull firll .fbioe up9n it: So the Undedlaoding of Man is capable of W1fdom, but God mull fbme upon It, fo that 10 reference to Its Caufe and Original it is Heavenly. 2, SecondiJ, Confider the Objects of this Wifdom, and thofe principally are Two. I. God, and 2. A Man's felf. Thefe are the two Poles upon which Heavenly Wifdom turns it felf. 1. Firjl, God as he is Glorious in himfelfand good to us, fo he is the Object of Spiritual Wifdom. It is not the Knowledge of the Nature of Diamonds or Pearls that can enrich us, but the Knowledge of the wife God makes us wife; this Wifdom as it comes from God, fo it returns to him, as thofe Rivers that proceed from the Sea do empty themfelves into it. 2. There mull be the Knowledge of a Man's felf, and that in two refpects. 1. In rcfpect of his Capacity. 2. In refpeEi of his Immortality. 1 • In rcfpect of his Capacity. There is an ·Unlimitednefs in the defires of a reafo· nable Soul; our defires are not confined to thofe degrees of Goodnefs which are feat· ter'd in the Variety of earthly things, but reach forth towards the whole Latitude of Good, they can never reil nor acquiefce till they come to the Comprehenfivenefs that is in God, and this is Wifdom to know this Capacity; for it is the greatell Folly in the World for a Man to meafure his Capacity, in refpectofhis Senfes. 2. Secondly, The Knowledge of the Immortality of the Soul, fo that all mortal and perifbable Creatures are no more able to make the Soul happy, than the Light of a Candle to give Day to the World. 3· Thirdly, What are the Acts of this Wifdom? They are principally Three. I. Deliberation. 2 . Election. 3. Application. t. The firll is Deliberation. A confulting with our felves how we may advance our felves to the Fountain of GoodnefS, how we may be really and eternally happy, how we may fecure our Souls, which are our Jewel, with the Lofs of which the wl10le World would be but a fpecious Beggary,: And this Act of Deliberation, con· fidering how we may make our !elves l12ppl:, is .the peculiar Excellency of a Man; thi! is that which diilinglllfbeth l11m from the mfenour order of Creatures. •· SecondiJ,