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9P A Di{cour(e of the Fear of God, ~~y:Ce lhall appear before ~~e Wifdolli of t~h;rl,en fila!!~ ~ thofe who ha~e followed this Courfe be j111lified by him. There is good reafon the~!. ~~e 0~~t ~ifi,'~."r}o~an, fl:ould be ellee,mcd the greatell Foo~ and the Holy Man, -------·------· CHAP. X. Opening the feveral fa/fe Wifdoms of the World. 'Vje '·NOW Icometothe Ufeofthewhole. This Doarine give. s a Check to the fairc. Wifdoms of the World : You may as in a Glafs fee the ex- . tream d1fl'erence of thofc Principles of W ifdom in the Management of all AffaJrs wluch the World lays down, and thofe Pnnc1ples of Spintual Wifdom which are laid down in the Word. He is a wife Man in the Worlds account that can ljJin a Web of Vanity, who can drive on his Carnal Defigns to· the bell advantage; but the worldly wife Man is a Fool in Religion, 1er. 8. 9· Loth'} have re)efled the word of the Lord, •and what Wifdom ts tn them? That Soul that trembles at God's ~~~~~:£~~~~~· ;~~: ~~~1I'l'ili~~fs i:\~~~~i:·Kt~~h~! :h; ~gr~~~fife~r the opening of t . What are the Defignsand Ends of worldly wife Men. 2. What are 1hofe Means which they ure to atchieve thofe Ends. l· I will tbew you that that which they account Wifdom in the Management of thofe Means, for the Attainment of thofe Ends, is perfea FoUy. t. For the Firll of thefe, the Ends of Carnal Men iu the General, are worldly Happinefs; that which the World can ~fford them. Thi~ is ever (by the corrupt l~~r~:"~I~i~~ci~)rfr~~e~d' a~~~~e~~PK~~:r:h:F~ll',"~ott~~~;'! :.:;:i~i~ti~~: f~!f~!~ Appetite, but in the Intelleaual ancl highell Power of the Soul. All r!Je Aas of an unfan<lified Underl!anding are foolilh ; and this is the fir I! Ground of the Worlds Folly, an Aa of the Under/landing whereby they look upon fomething as their End, and as t11eir Happinefs, which is not fo. The Scripture cloth diverfifie it into three things, into Pleafures; Profits, and Honours, for thus much rhe World affords. Now the Means whereby the World dcfigns to attain thefe Ends proportionably are three, t 'John 2. z6. For aU that IS zn the W orld, the Luji of the Flefb, the Luji of the Eyes, and the Pride of Life, &c. is of the World The World cloth defign to purchafe thcfc three Ends by thefe three Means; 1 he Pleafures of the World ~~d ~/;: Jo"n~u~~ ~?~h:~~l~ ~~eth~r~~:~e0!ftif~.Vo~t~/e a:~\~"~e~~stl:~ ;te~l; for the Attainment of thefe Ends. Now there is a worldly "" ifdom which is em. played in the ufing thofe Means to that end, and this Wifdom is likewife divided into . l· 15. That Wifdom winch Jefcendetb not from above, IS earthfJ, x. Firji, It is an eartbly WifJom becaufe it is exercifed upon earthly Objeas, for earthly Ends: I his refpeHsthe Gain of the World. 2. Se<ondfJ, It is called a Wifdom becaufc it aims at the Satisfatiion of our Fle!h; the !lent of Nature runs that way, Jar the gratifying of our Senfcs, which are common between us and Heafis, and rhus it cloth aim at Pleafures. l· Third!,, It is called a dwilijb Wifdom upoA this account, becaure Pride which . is the Inllrument whereby-it would advance it felf to Glory, cloth not onely proceed tram the Devil as its Author, but is in the Devil as in its Subjea. There arc fame Sins which make Men the Devils Slaves, but there are other Sins which make Men the Devils Sons. Men are Slaves to the Devil when they commit fuch Sins which the Devil is not capable of, as all thofc Sins which are merely aaed by the Body: But Men are the Devil's Sons when they commit fuch Sins which the Devil is capable of, as Pride, Malice! and fwch other Spiritual Sisl5; for thefe ren~~: