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940 A Difcourfe of the Fear of God. ~ --;. Firjf, In the Thoug~T~re verba mentalia, Whifpers oicl;;S~~hich ~-14· are _n ot mtclhgrble by the World_. Th~re are prefumptuous Principles according to """'-'whJCh Men hve, and rlus m Scnpture ts tl1e Vorce of the Heart, Pjalm so. 2 1. ThoM ~~~g::;,t :;:: ~;~~:.~:~~~tf:~: :'ick~~hj§;~ ;is ~1 1i1:.t ~~~~ ~~dni~n~ik~ t~~~~ J~~ fel f, he draws {uch a Pattern ofGod as is conformed to his own Fancy, he makes a God all of Mercy, and fers up thJS Idol m Ius Soul, and bows down himfelf ro it . he robs one Attribute to inrich another; he takes away God's Jullice and Holiners' tha t he may inlarge his Goodnefs; this is Prefumprion in Thought, fuch a perfo~ doth nor fea r God. · . 2 . Secondly, There is a Prefumption in our Difcourfes, and that principally in two tb1ngs: ~ I. Firft, \A· hen the Sinner after his Commiffioo of Sin jullifies it; he is not onely an Allor of Sin, but a Defi:nder of it. That Man enters into the Lills with God that doth defend what he hates; or 2. Suondly, When a perfon is arrived to fuch a degree of Prefumption as to boafl: of his Sin. And yet how many are there among us who are thus Prcfumers, that boall how many pl yant Souls they have drawn to their Snares, how many weak Hrai ns they have conquered by their Cups? There are perfons that venture upon a ~~~~~~~~D:I~~~t~\ fife~ ~~~~:i~~~~ s~;\fsnt~~e? ~~~sb~:~}"a~' 0[~tprir:!'dt:~~~~ ll10uld boafl:ofhis Fetters, as if an infelled perfon fhould boall of his Plague-fares, as if a poifell perfon fhould boall of his Devil; yet we have a number of thofe perfons amongll us, who are Heirs to thofe Prollitutes, the very naming of whom drew Tears from St. J.'aul's Eyes, whoglo¥ in their Shame. l · Thirdly, There are thofe who are prefumptuous Sinners icrtheir Allions. Now there are two forts of thefe. I . Firjf, Such as venture upon Sins notwithftaoding all thofe Fla!hes of Brimllone which are call upon their Faces; fuch as run to the forbidden Fruit, notwithfianding thofe Angels ( I mean the Preachers) who lland with flaming Swords in their Mouths, threatning God's Judgments againll thofe that venture UR_~n them. Thefe are the prefuming Wretches who look upon themfclves, or at Jeall-wi(e demean themfelves, as if they were llrongerthan God, as if they were able with an Army of Lulls, to oppofc God with Millions ofAngels; thefe want this Fear. We read in the Scripture concerning fame perfons,who had Brows ofBrafs, and Faces harder thana Rock, who were ~~p~~~~~~~~\et:~::~~~~r?e~dJa~~·clr~ic'.sa;nJ~fr::~~;,"hais~~~e~:~~~~e~t~e~~ ~~e~~~ And ootwithllandiog all the Threatnings of the Word, yet they venture upon their Lufis as if they were unconcerned in thefe things ; thefe are they which have conquered Confcience, that have frullrared all the Methods ofGrac~ , and when Minillers excite them to ufe rhe Reafon of Men ard the Faith of Chrillians, they turn all into a Mock and a Jear. Thefe certainly are eminently void of the Fear ofuod, and in their kind they are worfe than the Devils themfelves; for the Devils tremble under the J'l pprehenfion of this Truth, that God ••ill eome tojudge them, Jam. 2. I9· but thefe daring Wretches venture upon therr Lulls, notwJthllandmg all Warmngs that are given to them. , 2. Secondly, The Prefumer in his Allions, is he that doth incourage himfelfin Sin, by the Patronage of Grace; who difcourfeth thus in his Heart, though not with his Tongue (notwirhftanding thofe various Judgments aod Threatnings which are made k11own by the Minifters of the Gofpel) Certainly there is Mercy with God, and he that made them will filve them; certainly the Rule of the !all l.Jay's Account is not {o llrill as Mini!l:ers would make it, there will be a greater Liberty ; and thus they venture upon the ways of Sin, and Spiders as they are, draw Poy!on from the Flowers ofMercy it felf; this is the prefuming Wretch that wants the Fear of God. Now to fuch Peaf0ns, let me onely by way of Antidote and Cure, pref~nt thefe few DireCtions. r . Firft, Serioully reAell upon thofe Repr_efentar.ions which th~ Scripture makes of God · as a God of lm!Jlaculate Hohnefs, of tmpart~al Jullrce, of mfimre Power; and prcf; thrife upon your Souls. As a God of immaculate Holinefs. In that Attribureall orher terrible Attributes are rooted ; it is Fhe Holinefs of God ti)at excttes h1s Julhce, • and