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To the ~ight No~le W I L·L.. I A M~, Duke, and E~rl of Be_dford; Marqu<tfs of Taviflock, Lord Ru!Jel, Ba~ron R1iJje( of T~o(IJhd~gh, I;..ord Lieutenant of the Counties of Middle[ex, B~fifPrd, an~ Cambridge ; Knight of the moll: Noble "Order of.t_he! Gar,. ter; and, one of .His Majeil:y's moft HonomaU!e . Priyy CounciL ' 1'\' .May it pleafe your Grace, THE Peculiar, and juft Refpefl 'fl'?lch Ybu; Grace hatfl long had, for the Worthy ·Perfon, ivhofo" much la"'~nted Deceafe, oc!!(ljion' cJ the following Difcour!e, eajily induc'd me to helteve; it would ,not offend Your Grace, that -Your Jlluftrjous Name is prefixed to it. As it alfo was t~e Senfe of his mournful Relift, that it could be no lefs than Your Graces Righ\, foch a Memorial /hould be extant, of the favourable Afpefls, wherewith You ha·ve been pleas'd to honour this her fo dear Relative. Nor can it be unfoitable to the Noble Amplitude, of Your tru/y great Mind, that it /hould he told the World, You knew h1w to value true Worth wherefoever you found it. Not confining Your Refpefls, to any Party; o: diiJingui/hing Men, by any, when efpecially, the Parties themfelves, are distingui/h'd by Marks, which they who wear them, count indifferent and, which, therefore, muiJ be understood to make Men, neither better, no: worfe. And if they who wear them not, count otherwi{e ; tho' thry /hould be miftaken in their Judgment, after their having endeavoured to the uttermoft, to be rightly inform'd, their Sincerity, accompany'd, and evidenc't, by great felf-denial, must, in -the Account offo equal, and candid a J.udg€, M ¥.mu: Grace, far outweigh, fo light a mistake, in fo fma/1 matters. Such Differences will be eaji/y tolerable, where there is that mUtual Charity, as neither to think a different Judgment, to be brib'd with Dig, ' nities, and Emoluments, on the one Hand ; nor to be perverted, by Hu: mour and Af{eflation of jingularity, on the other. The Reverend DoClor's great Candor, and Moderation, in referertci to the things, wherein he bath been con.ftrain'd to differ, from many ex: cellent Perfons ; and his remotenefs froni m!J Difpojitiori, to cerifort tbeni fr6!11