Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

The Apprehenfion having been ileep!J inwrought into the Temper of his Min?, that the things, w~erein ~n!J, .it. co~ld be, poifible for.tru!J good Men to dtffer, muft be but tnfles, m <Ofl/)arifon aj the much greater things wherein it WIU im~J!ible for them, nbHb agree. ~ · ' And I no way doubt, but the things fo~ ' which Youi· Grace, moft defer'oed- !J valued, this excellent Perfon, yvere {uch, as have in them, an inherent and immutable goodnefs ; not varying with Times, or the changeable po~ fture of Secular Affairs; but which muft be the fame, in all Times. Nor appropriate to perfons of this or that D:non:ination, but that may be common, to perfans jincere!J good, of any Denommatzon whatfoe·ver. Whereu~n, the Teftimony Your Grace bath, from time to time, given of Tour 'oalue of him, on fuch an account, muft have redounded to Yo; Self; have rejleffed true Honour on your own Name; /hewn Your iiif cerning Judgment of Perfons and Thipgs; and ef1tit'led You to his Prayers; w.hich, I hope, have been available,,, to the drawing drnrm of Blefiings, on Tour Self, and Tour Noble Fami!J. Vnto whofe, muff his Prayers alfo be added, for thefame purpofes; who is, with the greateSl: Sincerity, and under many Obligations, Your Grac~'s moll: Obedient, and moll: Humble Servant, JOHN HOWE. A Fu-