Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

A F~tneral Sermon .on pr. William Bates. 955 who had b~en fame Years in i ·mme~ia te artenda.ncc upon ~n of Go~L~-­ from Heaven, and under his lnfirua1ons, and who had fo mu~h opporrumry to o~~ ferve, that his whole def:gn lay for another World '- and that he n:xer encourag'd Ius Followers to cxpea from hun any advantages, abo~e others, m tlu.s World, but forewa rn\! them of Troubles, and Sufferlngs, ro which they would be always liable from it, and that they muft be conrent to wait for their Rewards in another State. g:~~~~o:,~~ ~~o~~~~~~:~~s rlr,~t~d:;,~;~,~~~~ 3d11 yi~~~d~/~h~~f~f1~~c ~~~ ,~~~rf0t~1b~~~~~~ h\iiJ1 he wi01t to be no \~'here, or nodung. 2 . A Mind loofe, and di(ingag'd j'om tbis preftnt World. He could be intent upon no great Lefigns for tili s Earth, who, with the next that leaves it, was wilJu~g_ eo go 3 ~ 0~ajie1 p!ttcid tbo."g!Jtsof dyi;'$.· He look'd upon Death as no fuch frightful chlng :. That could fo famili<rly, and off-band, fay, whe11 be thought of fuch a one's dy ing; Come, let's go1 and dte w11h !Jtm, 4- {' di{lingrrifbing.Ju~g_ment ~oncerning the Sta,tes of Men hereafte r, remote from ~%i~~~gi~~'fa\~~~~~vi~~~~~~;~~l~~~·di~~;f 0~1c/;~r w~~r;~;g~~~-wc~ ~~:~~~~n~;rf~~~~nc~fl~ Judgment to come. Accord ing t6 the declared. Ru l~s vf which Judgm:nc. this preiCnc Jud{T~ent is ~ormcd . T .hat c.hey who contmue tn a. courfe of rvell.dOtvg, fottU haveR. 8 Eternal f.t(e; Evt!-~oers, lr.dJ~nafl&n and JtVrath. - ·- This Wi~1 could not be ihou~!Jt om. ::. 7 ' • J.efs cautious than Ins , who !ays,. wich diftinaion, Let me dre the de~th of t!J~ Rt~J; ... Nu'l.l>. :: 5 • ro. teom.-- It mull be far from hun to be co.nrcnt, God jhouldgather Ins Sou! rrm!J Stn· ~ 1a.1. JS. ~· ners . The fut ure ll:ate was, no doubt, conflder'd, as a Jlate of SeparatiON between Men and Men. He could not covet \O, be affociated with good and bad , promifcuoufly, an.d at rat.1dorn. · 5· A rationally charitable Opinion, tlf!,d es1imate, that he ~~~s Jin~er~ly good, apd httppy; with whom he coveted eo be unite? in Dea th. Such an Opimon, is all that is here rcquificc. Faitb it cannot be, for the Qb1ea is nota revealeJ.thmg . l(nowledge it is not , for we have no medium to knoJll it by. That W~? have. more reafo~ to this, than th~ contrarJ, of fuch a one, is jil//icient , and that tins flJouid be Imply'd, m ~h~s~ Wifh, is neu/Jary. Here was an Apprehen0on, o~ an happy frate, the other was pafs'd into. ~~::h~r:;,g;t:~ r:~;:t':e~~1:rh~{t~~~~~~~'~,dt~~~ ~~:~~~~[~~1r1~;:!~~~~;::,~~~~ his Apprehenfion of Lazarrts's S;'!certty, fo as not to dou~t of his Felicity. His Houfe, he obferved, was our Lord's reforr. Here he was rece1ved glad ly, by him, and his good Sifl:crs. His DoEl: rinc, w~ have caufe to chinl<,. he cntertain'd as well as himfCif, and himfelf, for his DoElr ines fake. The peculiar affeEtion our Lord ltad for him, obferved by the !)orn.efiicks, tha~ fay, He wiJOPJ thpr~ fovej! is (tcJ:, v. 3· ·no.tcd by the Jervs, with a bj hold horP he to-r:ed. bim, v. 36. cou ~d leave "fhomaJ no ground of doubt, but he w.a!i_ a fin~erc Believer on the Son of Gpd, and now, in a blelfcd State: So are Chrill:i~ns, vt{ib!J [itch, to eftccm of one another, and accord ingly to have (:ommunion With ~ne another, in Grttce; and hope, ancl wi01 for it, in Glorr: A T~mpe r, now, v~ry ahef} from too many, thar.go under t hat Name; wlio m~ke not the great Subfiantials of Chrifiiani<y the meafure of theirprefent and b~pedCommUn!on, ~ut deviff:d addi ti?ns of their own : Or rather, not wha.t they add to, · bu~ fubj!ttute rn the jlead of, }'auh, lvlercy, and t~e Lo'l!e of God; and licence rhemfelves, to afcend the. Throne, ufurp .the Seat of Jud~m,e nt,. and boldly damn all them, who arc not oftheu· 0\\· 11 ComplexJOn, and Parry; and that cannocfo far conform to rheiiHumours, Paffions , Prejud~c~s , and lnterefied lncliparions, as to faJ, and ac1 in every thing, jufi as they do. · · 6. A moft ardent , and mpjl generous Lo-ve to jirch gcod 1l1u;., ttpop (h~,t jt!J!, and rta· Jonable apprebenfton o(thtm.· l.:;or what Love can be greater ? How can one n:wre highly exprefs Love to any Man, than by a decla red ~· illingncfs to l iv~, and die \Vith him; and limply to die, when he can no longer li ve Wtth him. Love rat fed to this pitch is jlronger than Ce4!b. Heathen Story is noc without fuch Inll:ances, of feme, wbom no Pr~ad of Dt:ath coul.d fever (r9m. each oche1: i. but th~t they ha11e been willing~ ~~~~~11~s ~:~~~:~~~: ~~q~:~~~;fi~~te~~~n ~~~~~~h~r t~ d1.9 for, aporh~t. To be, eith.l!r ~ac~l The Ty'rant Dion;jius having fenten~,t to Death one of that a9mirab!t; pcdr Damon<~ttd.61 c~ .. and Pythias, and fi_xt the day of Executr~n, the ~?ndemneq ~crJ~n p.e t iti?n~d 'ro~ IeavC~%.0/:":~;­ £0 be a~f~nt upon lf!1pOrta~~ occafions; m that Interval, Ills Fnen.d off~;:nng hnnfclf, vc.uot/1~:s." as his Spo!Jfor , to ~1e for hun, if h~ re1u rned !JOt by th9 apJ;>Oiuq;d day. fie re~urn- · · w~