Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

968 A Funeral ~ermon on Dr. William Bates. ------------------------------------------ While fuch Men as we have loft, liv'd, they did, and fuch do, as Inllruments keep fomewhat of ferious Religion alive, under our ftv.ral Forms, but as ready t; exptre. w~~~ ~::': t~~~~~ts~eea~dg~:::1loafts ~::r.,e~~e~~e~e u.f~~;:e~o:~!~l! r:iv~; of the Lord! Lo here u Chrift, and thm is Chrift. Andone fort ceafes to mag:e this Church, and another that, and an •niverfal Dwh is come upon us, then (and I am afraid, not ·till then) is to be expe£ted a glorious Refurrefrion, not of this Ot that P"tJ : For living, potvtrjol Religion, when it recovers, will difdain the Limits t{;;n;,·;y~hi~~~ ~h~~ t~a~~y,th~iiT~~e:~; ~:;~~/;· ;:oo~r;;~ fJo:l~~ d~~~dth~~~; Potver that makes us return into a State of Life, wJ1 bring us into a Swe ofVnity, in Divine Lsght, and Love. Then, will all the fcandalous Marks, and Means, of Divifion, C:~:::'~u~~~~m~~:· ;i,~~fhhat~~~. n~~~~~:c~::in,;sj.,I:ft~ o;1a~~'R;;7o.::f~~~~:R Revelation. T hen as there is one Bot&, and one Spirit, will that Alm;ght7 Spirit fo animate, and for., this Body, as to make it every-where amiable, [elf-recommending, and capable of fp reading, and propagating it fel~ and to inmaje with the inmafe •f God. The,. foal/ the Lord be One, and liu NAme One, in all the E.rt/1, --------------------------------- FINIS. -------- ---···-----~- ----....-... ----