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TheTA BL E. ------------------ Mwn~n,~itistogiveanAffinr~ C. ;r•th of ChriJlianiiJ p. 268, Chrijlians that an tmho(J, denj and reproacb H 0 ;.~: of~;?ri; Calm and to;~•;;~ Th;;'Jen of Cbrijlianity is to pur:;~!~ In the J~arch of Caujes the Mind cannot rejl f~om Sin, and conform tiJem to God's Hoti!litcome Jt o thefirft. p.12. ltnefi. P... 23)· The fecond Caufes are fojlained and dtre&1ed The admmble e/ficitq of the Gojpel tn the i1J all theirrvorkmgsby the firJ! p. 15. Pnmtttve Chrijlzam Ibid. The Carnal Mind IJOw mijlaken about Li· The external Proof of Chrijlian Religion bertJ p. 7ll· conjider'd p. 6&; Chance produm no regular EJ!e&1s p. IJ. -Miracles onl1 perform'd bt God Ibid. The conftant otatural courft of thiNgs in tbe -Why Chriflianil] wtU conjirm'd by them; World, proves that 'tU not framed nor . Ibid. cond~lled by uncertain Chance p. 14- --_T he mrmber and manner of Chtijt's Thki;t; :f ~;;Y,'t/:.;, a;,:%J[,, ~;''la:'~.~ _!!:_~~'~videnceofGod's approbatio~i~t lmttatton p. 641. -AllObjec1tons anf.ver'd . Ibid. ehrijl, she great Patttrn of Submijfion and - The Apojlles TeftimOIIJ rveigh'd p. 7o. Ob~dtence . . _p. 27S. -Tile certarmyof CIJTijPs Reforreaton; -In reg.,dof she mfniteDtgmtJ of hi< P· 7'· Perfon p. 279· The Divine Power JVtti glorip~d in the Con· -In regard of the greatnej of his unde- verjionof the WorldsoChrijlianityp.244· Jerved St~!Jerings Ibid. To clun(e our [elves from the P.J!Iu!iom of Chrifl the Example and Principle from whom the Flejh And Spirit a Cbrijiian Duty, allDivine /ile/Jings are derived to m PAl•: . p. )58. Cbart/7 hatb mutNal returns made by Provt- -M«~f be umverfal p. 559· dence_ . P: 570. The promife o{ a divine Co~munion ohlr$es The Dtgntty and Happinej of a Chdd of "' to jiparate from Vnbeluvers Ib1d. God p. 626. How tiJe .Ajfeilions 11re difiovered in the -The Excellency and Advantages of that Countenance p. 12. Relation p. 627. Comfort of Men ficur'd br the Son of God's Ho"'. Chr ijl is Jaid tocomeqr~ickl:J p. 848. Alltance wtth tl~e bHman~ l'!atfiYe .P· 126. Chrijl's aU{u/ficienq in what tl conjiJls P·7P· -And his fatssfjing dwme 'Jujltce Ibid. ~:/1:~:::':,i;i7.~"f.h'Jhaft;;j',Pi~h; Mr;~~~~k[on's Funeral-Sermon up•;. ]So:;. Lord p. 700. --Mr. Clarkfon's Charafler p. 841. Tlte NeceflitJ of C"rijl's being God and Man The firft and ficond Coming of Chriff comfor the expiation of Sin, •nd to ·make In- par'd . p. 846 ." Clt~:;;fKi~& ~ffice requires al[o ~~~ ~;~ Th~~:;:::~'/~o~~:1£':.:;" an ht~: f:;: tures; _and 1vlry? p. 172. -Andhorv pernicsom p. 704. Why Chrijl, the Jecond Perfon ofthe Trintty, Of corYNpt Confidence, or a viciom dejection wa-s to be our Rede~mer I:'· 123. of Spir~t . p. )II. The blej[e~ C~mmumon between ChrtH 4nd Conjia'erat1on requifite in order to a "l(ifibte Ch~;;,~M;~,:nt:;:e~ade lyable to ~-u!U: ~i;: mujl be ferioru, deliberate; fr~qt~e~~; m<TJI p. 178. ·· •ndwitbappliwionoftheSoul p. 519. Th;h~o;~:~aaf:{ :£ CJ::J,'stl~:/:ia~;::s :! ~j~~:s}:o~0:J:;~:~:~ftderatiohder~~Js~:~ O!fe.nce into ~dmirtttion p. 197· power to dire[/ our choice p. S22. Chr(jltan Reisgion exceUs aU other lnjlttu· Two things hinder 0111 Converftng wi~h God, ttons p. 2 ~ 4· Inftrmit] of our N~t11ru, and Gut!t that -Tbe Defign of it is to make Men hot, cle~ves to H4 • p 122, -An empty Profiffion of it is ;.;,/,~!; Th;r~t:op th;~;:::~ ,Sti];~~n /.1/1;~ Benefit P· 2l7· ed . P· 79· -The Evidences of its divine de{cent, - - ThewitnefsfromHeaven 1 theF.tther; p. 256, 257. the Word and the Spirit p. S'b. Chrifli.:ms, the Primitive, exce!i'd in Holi~ -The witnej[es on Earth j the Spirit, the nej . p. 2)6. VVater and Blood p. 8t. -Wmadmiredbythel/eathens p. 2JS· Hhhhhh Thl