Bates - HP BX5200 B3 1700

TheTA BL E. TheConfi/li•» of our Sins is required ;;;:::-~Tu •. dijfuft•;;;;;:tc;;;;;;;th:SI lifie m for Pardon . P·lB· radica//7 tn the Vmkrjlanding, princi;;/ --ltmuftbe fru andtngenuom: It muft tn the Ws/1 •nd .Ajfefliom · p. )6:. be jincere and full : It mujl be mtxed with The EJfefls of CMJetoufnej p. )6 S· Sorrow and Shame .P 3)4· To mamtAI1J wtth Coura$e and ZJal ChriWJ Proyer for P~rdon muff be joined rvtth Con- Cau;e, aprep.rarionjor'Judr,ment p. 47~. fe/lion of Stn p. 116. The Creator though tnvijible m hu Ejfence .An -:Jccount of the Confer~nce b~tn:een t~e U vtfible ~n hu Elfe/Js, both in Natur; · Bi{bops and the Pmb]terzan Mwijlers m and Provtdence . p. 16. 166o. p. 815. The lJ•ttes of underJiandtngCrwumtothe O•r Redeemer's (upernatur.l Conception ·hy Maker of •If things . p. •l· the Holy Ghofl p. 2J9· - ·To acknowledge and admm God and hu Contentment sn every St~tte en_ foy ned by the Per(ea10m, '7.1ijible m hu Works p. 24 . Go(fel, and the Reafom of tt p. 2o8. -fheCau{esoftheneglefl _are Ignorance, -The Trrms of 11 muff be ;•Ji lb1d. or • gutfty r.eglefl, or an mobftrv•n.e of How Jlrong the Concupijience and I:ei-Jion God and his Workr p. 25. of. the Carna/.mmded p 690. - Thu is the particular Duty of Man, The tnconji{fencJ and d~ngtr of the Commu- for whom the World w.u made p. 26. men of Chrij/ians wtth Infidels p. 517· The End. for 1vhich Man war dejigned i11 his Vf rhe deltghtjul Communings of Heaven, Creatton p. 494· . P·918· T he Coven•ntofGraceexcellstharofWorks, Conflunce : That of Adam '""' jurnifhed . p. do. wuh prae1ical /(nOJf!ledge p. 9 ~ - -It tndNlgts P11rdon upon true RepentThe torment of Confcience that waa conft- ance p. 161. quent to Sin P~ 102. -lt .tccepts Jincere Obedienct p. 162. To preferve the te{fimony of wmproaching ~-It affords (upernatural A/lijlaJ~ce to BeConfmnce tn the fight of God before the ltevers agamjl !;m p. 16}. eOeem and praife of Men~ is the ftgn of -·· It promijes a more excellent Reward excellent Grace p. 634. than the LifeinParadife p. 164. Tbe f~equent dijcuffion of Conjcience, and God enter'd into a Covenantt.vith M_an p. 96. r~vterv of our 1v~ys, . is an e(e£futtl means of -The Reafon; of that Cij}en[atton p. 97. rijing to per{eflton "'Holmefs p. 657. -The Terms of the Covenant ,.,,. be- -VVbattt is, and horv to be f"form'd, coming GodandMan Ibid. The frequent and feriom tr]alo/'C~~J;i~~; Th:,J':~:'i-:::J:/{~;,.g;;::(c~:~c::d with re!Jeflto our /}irit•alj/ate, •I'd the Evil . . . Ibid. 4f1iom of 011r Lives u requiftte to prepare -The_i!-t~Jfons of the ProlufntJon Ibid. for our laff .Account p. 472 & 853. The jlabtlttJ of the Nerv Covenant built upGod bath ejlablijhed •n infeparable conne- on the Lovr of God wlmh 11 unch•ngt4ble , El ion bet,veen tbe choice and llEfiom of 11nd the Operations of Ius 5ptnt 1h.1t are Men here, and their jutNrt Condition here- ejfdf_uat P: 16 ~. after for ever p. 537· The Dsvine _ Pow~r is admirably glorified tn The Converjion of Man 4 Miracle of Grace, the Creation of the W:orld p. 238. p. 727. The Covenant of the Gojjel jealed tn the Hereditary Corruption its p~op~gat~on p. 104. Lord's s.upper p. 65 S· -TI. e Account the S"zpture gtves {)f the -How tt becomesejfif!t~al p. 655, &c. conve_yance of it p. Io). All Cnatures ohty God's WtU~ wh1 not we?' -'Tis an innatt hahit,and tJ!Ji'Verjizl Ibid. p. 28o. Corrupt Nature contains the Seeds of all Sins , tltough they fhoot not forth toge- D. ther : 'Tii voluntary tmd culpable p. 1 o6. Tho::~/Jdarli»g Corr~ption ingrot.esl;';: T li,! ft~ a~:l';,,:;::.~:~;:/c~;'!;. Man bath no Jinfe of Jinf•l Corr•p<ion, be- . P· 6j 5. <aufe •Vat.ral, becauje confirmed bJ Cu{fom The D•rnned•nq•altfiedfor aiVJ favour P·5l7· and Converfotion with Sinners p. 107. T!Je Death of the Crojf &onftdered, rvtth If!· Coveroujilejf, wherein it reftdes, and its ef· f}efl to t~1e !gnominy and T~rment th:u {efls ' p. )65. COnCNrr'd tn lt p. I 56• ---Thedifficultyof.tht Curt p. 167. The Death of Chrijl an .dfl of God's 8ove• --It e.xciHdes All, tn whom tl U prednmr- r.-tgmy p. 17Q.. nant, from the Kingdom of Heaven, --- 'Tis the Priu of that redtems from p. ),67. Hell p. 181. !ht