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TheTA B LE. The Socinian Objeffionsanjiver0~--The Conti~of it .srgun ~ The Death of Chrijl an Expref/ion of won- Rift is not from a Civil Deme Ibid. dtr{11i J-!umility p. 190. The wul:nejt of hum~tne Will &~tnnot fru· .. --(r)bedtence t~ God, .snd lov~ to Men Ibid. Jlr4te the merciful dejign of G'od, in ng4rd TheDwh ofBelm;ersnolejfemngofChrij's of his EMf p. I6J. Satu{aflton P· I~)· M~tn's Deltverance compleat p. zsr. -TheReafonsoj itscontinua_n_ce lb1d. Defjair JlopsaU_Endtavours . p.IJI· Death threatned for Man's Dijobedience, Devil, the 1l1ouves of hU temptmg Adam~ P·Y7· p. g8. - The jirjl and {econd, the wages of Sin, -His Tyranny over Man fince the FaU, P· I)I. p. l)I. - W/;7 inj/ic1ed on Believers p. I 9S· -He is overcome by the Death of Chrijl, The Death of Chrifl the procuring cauje of p. 241. our Li(e . p. I24- -Hu ragein pojfef'd Perfons p. 240. ----.'Tu conftder'd lf4 to zts lgnommJ and -Hu caffmg out, the elfeef of IJ:vine Torment p. I)5,&c. Power p. 241. -'. w.u a PuniftJmmt on him for Sin, Horv the Devil H foid to have the Power of ' p. I8o, &c. Dwh p. 418. ,--Its value H from hH Divine N~o- The Devil's T emptatiom, Power, M11lice, ture p. I87. Subtilty, &c. to•Jidered p. 66o. - 'Ti~ ejfe[/ual for the P.ardon of Sins An bumble depe!Jdance and firm hope OTJ God before hH cvming p. 191, &c. (or a b!e!Jed Iffue Out of all our tro11bles, a -And to the end of the World p. I 92. Dut1 in AjJMfion p. 7~6. -It procur'd H oline{s for m Ibid. -~- ·-·- The Reafom to perfiv.ade tU p. 707. - - 'Tis no cau[e of Scandal, but Admira- The Reafons of Men denying the filfi!rJ'Jatural tionto Believers p. I97· Revelation p. 717. -'Tw,u viaoriom ovtr our [Piritual The Jeriom, conftant and de!igbtfid perforEnemies p. 242. rJ;ance of Religious Duties itJ jecret. is Deaths jrfl entrance inl~ the World p. 419. a fu;e te{limony of a holy and heaven!J -As the de(ert of Sm . Ibid. Sf""" . P· 6J4. -As rhe ejf"eCf of DJVtne Decree Ibtd. Dijhnflron of Perfons by the Face horv ne- - As tbe Sentence of the Law Ibid. ceJfary p 12. Of the fear of Death p. 420. Prmces themfelves are under the (ear of the Death 4 prev_ale?t And un_Jupe~ah!e Evtl Ibid. D eity p. 22, -TheMifc!mfs that tt brmgs p. 42I . The multitude of fatji Gods, prejudices not --Horvterrihle P·42j. the NaturAl Not ion ofOnet rueGod Ibid. Why M :n ~Ye ROt Al,vayes under the afJuiJI The worfbip of the f?eit} w.u pre{erv'd where fear of Death . p. 424. idolatry IVM .bolifhed . p. 2J. How the Det~~bof Chrifl frees w from tbe A .zealoll4 dijch4rge of t he Du:tts of our tormenting fear of De~th P· . 4~5 · Cal~ing, ~ndtheconjun{fion of our Re(o~ DeiJtb a b!eJ!ed Advantage and enrtch~ng lutl()flf and EndeAvours to glorrfte God, Gain to a Believer p. 426. and do good, fweetem the thoughts o{ -In IVhat manner p. 427. D(a th P·444· Th:h~{j/::eso{11 be~te£i7o~: ;1,;e~ a~:~~;~e,h: so:~:~Z Goaf:~i~:~~;i::://u;;;;:~~i~0;::t ~'!h:~~j;~; ~~a;;;,~way &: z~:: Th~e;;:;Jn:; ~~~~~C~,;e;,iAm to ji/:~fr 4J; The Divine P ower rv.u glorified in mt.king the means~ manner, and time of Death, the Death of Chrifl virtoriOM o11er all OHr p. 446. JPirit~al E11emies p. 241. To r~ceive DeAth not ~nly rvit~J Patience, but Tl1e deltberate deftre of Ceath thAt we ma; wJtb a defire to be wttb Chrtjl p. 447· Arrive at the ]fate of perfeB H olitlef, H To_4Je rvit~ tbanksgiving and joy P· 448. the effefl o( excellent Grace p. 6 ; 5· Diffi"culty ~~a~ umt4{onable pretence trJ . matDebts, w/J) Sm reprtjented b; them p. '79· ters of tndij}enfoble Due! . p. 6l8. De~~:~,~;;'/! arijis from the l(n;~;e:~~ Th~i:;:::n~0o~::r. ~f:;~:~ %nf~~;1:, The _Beli'( of the VeitJ no politiek lnven . . p. JI9· Jton . p. 21. The he:rvtlltjf of _tlmr dfljil··fl~on accordmg_ -Thi~ ..AjJerllov il a jlrong ~roof of to the af!.rava!IOJ~ of thetr S~n, 1vho abMje its Trut~, t(ut no Htjfory m_tl1tJates Projjeri!J . . . p. 120. when thu Btltef Wi# introd11c'd tnto ~IJt God's abfol11te Don~I!UOJJ over the _ re.1{o ~· World ' lb1d able Creatttrt, rs reg u!aud Py Ius f<fl'1{.. dom,