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The TABLE. ---;;;,, and limiwJ by his. w-:o.---;:;;_-n;~rnity b;~;-;;;;;. The .Do.' of the Trrmty and ln<4rna· l moff comprthenfion 8 tion have a dear connt::(ton weth other P· 49· Truths that Relljon comprehends and re- ' p '<>I!IVet wtthout relu[/aJ"J P· S94· • , /FAith is above Senfe and Reafon p. , 36. • E. - 'Tis hudt on Dtvme Re'Vtlat;on, . . p. IJ7. T Hat the Earth u nu an equal Globe; ~'Tts not repugnant to right Re4fon, and that tts varsety u both pleafont 1 p. I 38. andufefu! . p.8. ' -ItimproveJRe4[on p. Ij9· The League of tbe Elements tn the produ[/son -It makeJ rife of it Ibid. of Beingseonfidmd . P• 9· -'Tis faving, when it draws the Will, The End of God tn our Redemptson p. "7· and renders a Perfon obedient to the Go· -Of Chnfl sn hu Sujfmngs p. I46. jpel p. I 39· The difficulty of aeeomplrjbsng thu Endrvheeh - 'Tis required .u the f:ondition of our u God'> Glory and Man'sreeovery p. II 8. Jujhfiwion p. I 92. - Tbe Means are froportzon~ble p. I ~9· faith in God's Providence inc01m:gement to :-----The Divine Wifdom glorified in taksng Patience p. 284. oee •fM from she Fall and ,Sin of Man Faith in the Promifis of God anotlm Moro hrtng more Glory to God p. I 20. tive to Patience p. 286. Our E!e{fiofJ conjirm'd to m by OtiY Patience Vnfeigned Faitb in the Redeemer i1 required in Afflic1i011 p. 283. in order to our Jujlifcation and Glorifi· Of Eleffion, tile M;jleryufolded p. 7J6. cation p. 45 ~ · Envy at the good of others, and Malsee a The Fatth of. the Eternal1udgment con· deep Pollution . p. 581. firmed . p. 464. The VanrtJ of. Epicurus's Opsnion of the -'Tss abjolutely necejfary that wemay be Jtr?orfds On$ mal, difcover'd (rom the vi- ~ccepted in the lajl Judgment p. 470. Jible Order zn .all tl~e parts of tt p.. t 3. Fatth realhes the thmgs fu ' t~re, ttnd conEt!rnal u wifely Jtnd J ~Jlly ordatn'd. trouls the efficacy of the prefent Tempt ato be the Punrfhment of Ssn, an~-~"!: ;a::h~n the Redeemer is indifpen/.bJ',~: 'Tu the b1f Wifd,m to govern our whole quired of all tilat will partake of Salva. Life /me with regard to Eternity that ex- tion p. )OI. peas"' p )8, &c. The E/licacy by exerd{ing it ttpon Eternal Ob· · Involuntary and fpeeulative Errors, whether jeas p. 599· damnable p. S9S· -It proceeds from a frequent app!Jcmon The Eternity 'f God is a Refultance from his of them to our Minds p. 6oo. independant Nat11re p. 74~· No Artrc!e of Ottr Faub is really repugnant The Belief of Eternal things neeejfary to ds· to Reafon p. q 8. re[/ our Chotee to Esernsty p. )'7· Of Fatth, and its ufefulnefs p. l9S· Exaltation of Chriff tile Reward of his The praying Faitil of dying Saints how in· Sujferin&s p. I go. couraged . . p. 8oj. Evil of Srn clearly difiovered p. I97· Th~ Word mufl be mixed wtth Farth to pro· An exemption from all Evsls ts the frjl con- auce Holsneji . p. 64o. dition of perfe[/ Ble!Jednef p. 76o. Of Dwine Faith, do[/rinal, jujlifjing, and A "ncurrence of a/1 pojittve ExceUencses IS in the difpofolof Providence P· s8y. requijitt to BleJfednifs . Ibid. Doflrtnal Fatth ts not lmagtnation nor Re..:· -In what Eternal BfefJednefs ws/1 eo»· fon : Its Nature Ibid. Jift p. 761. -Drffsngnijb'd Jiom Fan<) andScsencr, -In the Vifion of God P· 762. . P· )go. -In a perfe[/ !(now/edge . p. 763. -Its Obj"1s f'· 590. -In the pure Love of the Sasnts Ibid. - Its Mottves lb1d. Examples have a Jfecial e/licacy above Pre. Divine Fatth the mojl reafonable Ac1 of the ctpts to form m to Holineft p. 220. HNmane Vnderjlandmg pro'lltd p. 591. The Example of Chrijl abf•lutely perfec1 is -The neee/lity of it P· 596. mojlpropertothatEnd p.221. --Thee/ficacyof Faith P·S97· -it diftovers ONY Drily, .:nd excites 11s --:-~be vtlJOYJ of Fatth . . p. 598. to perform it . p. 222. Fattb tn the Lo.rd 'Jef"' Chrijl ss the Evan· The Ji»cere Exercife of the Duttes of Re- gelrcal Condttson of our obtarmng Par• ligion prepares for the Laff 'Judgment, don p. 342. P· 47" -What