Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

( 85 J I Htr ml)icl) :J mifiJe'i:!, caufe'i:! a gro~ lP~idf: to romc to me., anD l)e \tla~ tl)e firil <fcrlefiatl!ck, 'roi tlJ ' , . ·' · \nl)om 31 conferreD of mr in\tlartJ conDition ann t~t affair~ of mr ~oul. «te mo~e J fpoke \11itl) l)im, , tl)e mo~e 3! fotmn mp felf tntoarnlp perf'alabctJ ann firengtl)enel:l llp tl)e ®~ace of tl)e ~olp spirit to cl)an!Je JR.di£tion. £1~ 31 COLtltr not bOttbt Of tl)e tttttl) Of tl)e UlOfll~ of 31efu.~ ([l)~ifl , ml)irlJ affttrc~ u~ tl)at tl)e ~olr !sacrament contain~ lJi~ jflefiJ ann l)i~ JlBlron ; 31 cottliJ not cafilp bclicbe tl)at l)e \nl)o i~ trutl) it fclf., ·ban permttten tl)at tl)e ([ommttnion un'tlet one kintJ l)an been tntrotmcen into l)i~ ([IJUtcl)~ in ml)icl) antJ mitl) \nl)icl) l)e. l;atlJ pfomifeo to nmdl to tl)c cnn oftl)e •o~ln., if it fufftcetl) not fo~ tl)e 6albation of tbem \niJo communicate unncr one lzintJ onlp. f(]Lo conclttl:le ~ 31 am not able to enter into ~k fpttte \nitl) anp on tl)efe great tl[rutl)~., ann tbottgfJ 31 mere, l moult! not ett~age mp fclf' furtl)er tl)an in a ~tfcottrfe of a few mo~tJ%, ann mitl)ottt 'con::: tcfHn~ to erp~ef$ fimplp tl)e ~otibc~ antJ lRcafon~ of m~ ([onberfion.- · 31 can <lBon to mitnef~, 'ml)o knom~ t~e ferret of ~en~ l)earts, tl)at 311Ja'O ueber tl)ott~l)t of cl)an;xin~ lRcli!;!ion if l l)an bdie\Jen 31 mi~l)t 'obtain Sial::: nation or continuin~ in tl)e ftatc 31 ma~ bp mp ~ir~l) ann Ofottcation, ann 31 tl)ink it i% not necc~ farp tl)at 31 l)erc neclate tl)at it \na~ not 31nterert, no~ piofpcct of l!)ono~~., o~ of an)? falling antJ petifiJ::: able ~~ofit~ \nl)iclJ l)abe pcrfUHitletJ me tl)ermnto , , , fcein~ tl)at pn tlJe contratp bp cl)an~in~ lReHgion., 3J e,rpofcn mp felf to tl)e l)a}attl of tofin~ bot!) mp 'jfricntl~ ann mp ([rcntt; ann fteclp to confer~ tl)c tttttv, 3! confinercn ann c,ramtncn often, .\u!)etl)et it \tla~ not moJe e,rpenimt fo~ me. to kcrp mr frrtenn~, G 3 mg • '·.::!'-