Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

· The Epijlle Dedicatory. · Pauls ufually to be chofen the Pro– locutor .to the ~owe~ Ho~fe~ I fpeak . bu~ by hearfay, having never been . . pne of them : ( For the Clergy of Lpndon choofing Mr. C/,lanty and Me for their Clerks, of. that ConvocJtion that made the Materials of the late differericing lntpofitions, BilhopShel– don by Prerogative excludecJ us to our ·Eafe: and fo tbe City of London confented not by their Clerk~ · to any of t hofe ACts.) . · 2. And you are the Man that • Publifhed that · Excellent l3ook of Dr. l[aac Barrow , which unanfwera– blv (againft .Jv1r.lhorndi/ze and fuch . . o·rhers) confuted the · P~etences to a ForeignJurifdiction. . · . 3· And yoq are ~no\vn to be fo firn1 a Friend to Love, Concord .and Peace, (like vour Fath~r il1 La\v Bi~ , ' • ' J . '· . . J!Jop ffiiJins ~· \vho pnce ~;_y ~ppoii~t" fD~I~f ~r~ate8 ) ~n~ ~g r~cq ~1~h us 1n a