Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

( 10 I J were for going no fmther from the Papilts than they needs mufi, lffi they gave them occafion of acru~cion. . II. Since then many Men have taken notice that many of our Doctrinal Coorrover(ies confill:. .more in ambiguous wqrds, and mifunderfianding ofeach other than moll: on either fide imagine: And they have endeavoured the l€ffening of fuch Controverfies by better Explications and fiating . ofthe Cafe_: In this k~nd Spalatenfis and Bi01op W. Forbes have done very Learnedly, but in fome things yieldeda gre~t deal too far. Camero, Ami– raldm, Capellus, Teftardus, the Thefes Salmurienfes and Sedanenfes have done much : But no Man fo much as Lude Le Blanlz in his Thefcs, which he fent me his defire here to publilh. To thefe I adjoin my felf, as (among many other \Vricings) in my Catholick Theology and Methodus Theolo– gi.e I have -openly and largely ibewed the World. And no Cenfi1res have deterred me from this ho– nefr and nece!Iary way of pacification.' -III. But there are others that would on pre– tence of Peace take in many of their Errors in · Doctrine, Government and -Worfhip; But yet are for no Foreign Jurifdietion. r IV. But thofe that 1no~: write againfi go fur– ther, and fome under the Name of a Prince, Pa– triarch, and the Principium Vnitatu Catholicte would come under the Pope, fome by pretence of the power of General Councils, or an Univer– fal Colledge of all Biiliops, and fome by thefe and Patriarchs conjuntt, vvould bring us under a Foreign Jurifdidion, and contrive an Union on· fome French terms. And would to this end let in abundance of corruptions in Difcipline and Wor– , , H 3 ' _ , ihip •