Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

·, • [ ~'~4. l tem Imperantis ; .But Affemblies for Concord have · no lmpe1ium. . 4· . No Clergyman as fuch hath any but Pafioral and Teachirig Pmver, and as a Tutor to order his own School. The Power of the Keys is noother. 5. Mens holding and renouncing of Commu· nion with ot&er. Perfons or Churches may be . without Governing Power. I amnot Governor of · all that I hold or renounce Communion with. No :Biihops have power Judicially to determine of In– dividuals, who ll1all have Communion with every Parifl1 Church on Earth : Ifthey have, they muft hear them all fpeak for themfelves before they judge them (in or out.) They are not Governors of foreign Kings anp Kingdoms, though in their Government of their particular Churches thev mufi all agree to obferve one Rule)that is, Chrifi,s Laws. 6. There never was an Univerfal Council of all the Churches , but only of one Empire (a part of that) nor ever will be, till the Church be {o defiroyed as to be brought intoanarrow fpace (which God forbid). · · As to Dr. Stillinp/leet's Defence of all this, I take him not to approve of all that he blameth not : And if he did , I believe on fecond thoughts he will more retract this than he did his Irenicon. Chap. X. ~r.,Peter Heylin'sown Judgmen.t. S. I. B Ecaufe w. ~ fO~e newly fi·o~ repeating · ·Dr. Hey/m swords of ArchblHlopLaud, . · · , though • ,..