Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 12~ ] Page ·I49· 'The Church of Rome cannot be ~~:charged with Idolatry. The Pope cannot be ~ Antichrift. - Ch. 2 2. ' The Reformation pretended is abo– ~ minable and Apofh1fie, and the ufual Preaching ' a hinderance to Salvation ; and llC\.Y Homilies ~ to be formed to refirain Preaching. : Page 146. ' I confefs I can hope for no good ' end of any difpute without fuppoGng the fence· ' of the Articles ofOne Catholick Church, which ~ l1ath carried us through this di!courfe, for the ' Principle on which all matter in debate is tobe· 'tryed.j · ' P. 214. And oft he profeffeth that Presbyters ' not ordained by Bitl1ops, baptize and give the ' Eucharift, void of the Effect ofa Sacramenr, and ' only by Sacriledge-fpeaketh againfi killing and 'and banin1ing- [But this 'vill require the like ~ Moderation to be extended to the Recufants of 'the Church of Rome,(p.234.)The Recufants being · 'for the moft part of the Good Families of the ' Nation, will take it for a part of their Nobility 'freely to profefs themfelves in their Religion; i( ' they underfiand themfelves : Whereas the Se-:– ' Cl:aries, being people of mean quality for the moO: ' part, cannot be prefumed to fianrd on their repu– ~ tation fo much. 'In his Book called The ForbearanceofPenalties, ~ c. 3· p. 12,1 3. he makes the ft{}undation of all ~Union to be the Government and La\YS of the 'Church as vifibly Catholick, which L:rws muft 'be one and the fame, the vi.olating whereof is ' the forfeiture of the fame ( C;ommunion.) And ~ here I crave leave to call All Canons, All Cu~ ·:~oms o{ the Ghu~ch, whetlner concerning .the ·. · QR1tes