Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

t 126 ] ' able, unlefs it be depoftted with the true Church; ' nor to hini that contimi– ( e) The true Church that 'eth notin.the trueChurch JS an Ufurped Power of , h . . l.Iniverfal Legiflation , is , t ·~t m;1y exact ~he _Prohere made by him and m1fe depofited With It.(e) Mr. IJodwell as necellary· to Salvation as Chrifr, and more than the' holy Scriptures. I But what will now become ofall the Patl'ifl:s that (by difpenfation) ' come in to Protefrant Churches ? lhey alfo are all damned as Schifmaticks for communicatir~g with the~ ; urtlefs he forgot to except them that the Pope difpenfeth w1th. . Page 33· [' It is out of love to the Reforma– c tion that I inlill: on fuch a Principle as may ferve ' to reunite us with the Church of Rome ; being 'well aiTured that·we ·can never be well reunited ' with our felves otherwife. Yet not only the Re– ' formation, but the common Chrill:ianity.mull: . 'needs be loll: in the di- (f) How much w~fer a ~e ' vifions which will nethefe men than Chnft and , h ' d St. faul who made it the ver ave an en other.; d'uty ofaU that were bap- 'wife. (f) tized Chriftians, to live as one BodyofChrifl: in Love ? Him tbat is weak in the faith re– ceive, but not to doubtful difPutations, Rom. I 4· 1. The T:(ing- . dom of God is nof meat and drink, but righteoufnefs, and peacy; and joy in the Holy Gboft. He tfw in thefe things fervetb Cbrift, ·h acceptable to God, and approved of men. Pag. I i r. [ ' If it be faid that it · is not vifible t where thofe Ufutpations took place, I fhall al--: ' low all the time which the Code of the Canons ( g ) This yet is fome mer· cy tous: But is it as your grant? I. How will this ftand withaU that you have written for the continu– ed Univerfal Legiflative 'contains, which Pope A– ' drian fent to. Charles the 'Great, pag. 128. which I ' would have this Church 'to own. (g) ehurch~