Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

• . I '-· [ I j2 J Papery. ~. And that they join. with, the con~iliar Party in point of Church Government 1 and fo take not them for Papift!, who hold not that Sove– raigntyofthe Pope, but only his Primacy. 3· That it is but the Jefuited Party ·of the ·church of'Rome, which they renounce. 4 . That they alforenounce ali Nontonforming Protefiants as ·a Jefuited Par· ty. So that he tvould tempt us to believe what fome affirm that thei~· deGgn bath long been to iubdue the Jefuits and Reformed ChMrches (or ra– ther defiroy thefe ) and to {hikeup a Unionwirh the French, and maintain that they are no Papifis ~s to Government. But though the Power pf old Prorefiants in England were never fo much Jubdued to them, .metbinks the .Jefuirs Interefi in . p.,..lmce fhould refifi them, unlefs the Jefuits them· felves be (as fome vainly think J fain out with the Pope, and then it will be the Jefuited Parry which thefe Men will own. I ' • , §. 2. But to his Arguments, [Page 342. Mr. B. ·faith, ' I have earneftly defired and fearched to ~now 'the proof offucb a Legiftative Vniverfal Power, and ' I cannot find it. Btit if Mr. B. would ferioufly cou~ ~ 'jider the~ Texts, 'he might find that obedience is d1Je ' ' 'to the Church, Mat. 18. Ifhe neglett to hear the ' Church let hirn be to thee as an Heathen Man 'and a Publican. Now tU one private Man may 'YJeglect to hea'r the Epifcopa! Church to which he be- ' longs, fo the Epifcopal, ' P~·ovincial and National " Church may alfo prove Heretical, and negleEl to hear 'the Catholick__Churd.J; but the Vniver{al Church can . · ' neverJ:t.i-l 1 for the Gates of Hell jhall never pre'7Jail 'ag·ainff it. And if more Perfons, or particular 'Churc~es give offence· by Herefte, , 1 Schifm, &c. the ~ ChMch Vniverfal, or $he rcft of the Bi{hops may re- ' prove • . / ~ .