Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

• ~ Ij4 J refufe to eat or .Pray with as ' a : Brother. 3. That there is no Humane Univerfal Church which hath power to Govern a National Church, as the Biiliops may their Flocks, is proved. I . They cannot ·have the Authority who have not fo much as a Natural Capacity : But none have a Natural Capacity to Govern all the Chrifiian World : Ergo ' none have fuch Authority. 2. They have not the Authot ity who have not the Obligation to ufe it in fuch Government. (For an Offi_ce containeth Authority and Obligation.) But none are obliged to Govern all the Chriftian World : Ergo, &c; ) · For .the Minor, I. None are pbliged to Irnpof- {ibilities,: But, cJ"c. · · 2. None are obliged without fome obliging Law : But there is no Law obliging any to Governall the Chrifiian World:· Ergv~ . · 3· If they are obliged, they are condemned if they do it not: But none do Rule all the Chrifiian World : He confeffeth none have done it fince the ~xd~General Council, that is, thefe thoufand years (and more by 0ne. ) And doth he not Damn the Bilhops of all theWorJd then for neg– lecring their great- Duty a thoufand years toge– ther? · If h'e fay, that Others made Canons enough be– fore, I anf\ver, 1. If they have had uo fuch work to do .thefe thoufand years, then there was no Office, or Obligationor Power to do it. , 2. It was then only thofe that made the Laws that had that Soverajgmy. The Dead are no Ru~ lers; ·and fo the Chu rch bath 'had no Soveraign fince. l · ?.· Ifhe fay, The,¥finC,e R\1led py the old Laws[' f!