Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

t 142 ] felves infallible, or not_? If yea, then are alt herein equal to the Pope and Cotmcils. If not, then the Laity know not but they may be deceived in thinking the Pope and Councils infallible. · 3. I have truely recited the /doleful decifion of Controverfies which they have made: · They have raifed abundance of Controverfies which have torn the Church into pieces, as I have fully proved, whether Mr. Mtmrice will or not. , 4· It would have been aService to the World indeed if Pope or Councils would to this day, af– ter I 500 years Controverfie, vouchfafe to end them, and not tell us that they are appointed to end them, and yet will not ? Why are there fiill Cart loads ofBooks 'of Contnwerlies among Pa· pifis, and Protefiants, · and all ; and yet no Coun– cil doth decide t11em? Even the Catalogues ofHe– relies given us 'by Ephipanitu, Philaftrim, Al4£~tf- , tine, &c. are few of them me.dled with inyoud1x Councils. It is .rhe Controverfies about the fence ofScripture which is rnofr talkt of, which Coun– cils mu[t decide : And of the many hundred or thoufand Controverted Texts , how few have Councils ever Expounded to us? How great is their .guilt if they are bound to do it, and will not? - 5. But you do but [peak d-aYkncfs, and no fatis· faetion to us, to.tell us that [ all Chrifl-ian people , ought to jitbmit tCJ their Dec.rees,.] till you tell us, Whether it be to .All their Decrees, or Jn-tt to fame,. and to rvbich, and how knorvn. , The Cafe·may be; ·I About ppints abfolutely neceffary to Salva~ion, or points ' not fo .nec~ffary. II. About points plainly' expreit in Scnp· ture) or points there darkly ex,pre1i:. I. As