Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ l7f ] gerit fi£lum? Si in ifto fiHo remi]]i011em operatus eft peccatorum? fatean~ur vero ba/Jtifmo Chrifti baptiz.,ari pojfe hominem, & !amen cor ejus in malitia 11el Sacrilegio per(everans pecca,torum abolitionem non finere ~eri. At9; ita intelligant in commtmionibus ab \ Ecclefia[eparatis poj[e homines baptiz..ari, ubi Chrifti bapti[mus eliftdem Sacramenti celebratione datur &.fu– mitur, qui tamen tunc profit ad remijfionem peccatorum cum fjUis reconciliahu unitati, Jacrilegio dijfenfionis ' e.ptitur quo ejus peccata tenebantur, '& dimitti non ftnebantur. Sicut enim ip illo qui fidus accejferir, fit ut non denuo baptiz.etur, fed ipfa pic-z correElione & ve– raciconfeffione purgetur, quod non poffet fine luzptifmo, , ut quod'ante datum eft, tunc valer~ incipiat ad falu- : tem, qum illa fi fl,io veraci confef!ione recejferit - - Thus Gods vVord mull: by ten th6ufand Mini– fiers be fa id to affirm that,certainly and 'undoubt– edly, which he brings but one Text for grofly a– bufed, contrary to the Doetrine eveJl of .Augu.f tine who Jaid too ,much on Baptifm, and contrary to the very Law of Chrift, which faith, He that believet.h not Jhall be damned, not excepting the Baptized, Mark 16. 16. ' . ·Obj. But yet all Baptiz.ed lnftmts may be faved? Anf. The quefiion now is, Whether that: Text Gal. i27. prove it, orany WordofGod. . He mufl: be fuppofed to know that there are many_Opinions among th~ mofi Learned Divines about the Cafe ofBaptized Infants Salvation,(ren I have elfewhere named.) And muH: every Miniiter · inEngland determine which ofall thefe is righr,be.. caufe it's Dr. Guning's Opinion? · Many Nonconformifis hold that the Covenant ofGrace, cloth certainly put all true Chrifiians In– fants into a fiate ofPardon ane Salvat'ion, (calling tj:hem I '