Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

( IJ7 J into aTerreflria1 Univ'erfality. II. Turning Con; federacy anJ Communion into Political Regency; Ill. Deponing Kings and States from their Sa~ cred office of Supream Government ( and fole forc'ible Government) of the Church or Perfon$ and 'things Ecclefiafiical, (the Clergy having only the Pow~r of the Keys , ·'vVord and Sacraments· to work on Confcience without corporal face.) ' " (' . ~~ ~ Chap. XV. The firfl ' Letter to Bijhop Peter GLmiog, upon hiJ fending me 'Dr. Saywell'i Book. - , . . My hord, . . . I Thankfully received from you~y Dr~ Crdw!he~ , Dr. Saywell's Book, and a mouon fo.r Confe.l. rence with him; which I yet more thankfully ac:. · cept ; I read over ·the Book prefently, and think, it meet to. give you this account of the Succefs i I. I. I perceive that it cloth not concern me.. . nor many, if any, that I converfe with;· For it is Presbyterians , Separatifis , Q!akers and Fana~ · ticks that he accufeth , and I am converfant wid( few fuch. . · 2. And yet the firein of his iBook is fuch , as will make Readers undoubtedly think , that by Presbyterians and NonconforrniHs, or Convemi– ders, he rrieaneth the fame Perfons, and fpeaketh of the comm!Jn Cafe of the prefent ejeCted filen~ ced Minifiers: Of whom I inuft again and again fay, I. That I have had opportunity by Acquairr~ · tance and Repqrt of -knowing agreat ,part of the filenced Minifrer's of England, and I knowbut o£ · N • few~ •