[ I8j ) The Minor is notorious Matter of FaB:, every Parifh with us bath an Altar, and many hundred have out one Biiliop : Ergo they are no Churches according to the Saying, Vbi EpifcopU5, ibi Ecclejia, & Ecclefia eft plebs Epi[copo adunata. And nb~t~ then fignified every great Town, like our Corpo· rations and Market-Towns : And Titm was to fet Elders in every fuch City. . · II. They that r~nder Bifhops Odious, endea– vour to Extirpate Epi.fcopacy. But fo do (I need not name theJ;TI)-Ergo-iThe Major is granted. 1 The Minor is proved. 1. They that ·ufe Epifco– pacy to the Silencing of faithful Minifiers ofChriff, (near Two thoufand at once, than whom no Na– tion under Heaven out of Britain bath {o many . better) and tq render them and all that e1dhere to them odious and ruined, do that whichwill ren– der Bilhops odious-But-Ergo-- 2· From 'Experience, when we treated with you r66r. the People would have gladly received Epifcopacy as we offered it to you, and as the King granted it in his Declaration: But wh~m they faw near Two thoU:fand Silenced , and that Bilhops thought all fuch as I, and the many better Mini– fters of the Countrey where I lived, to be intole– rable, it 1 hath done an hundred times more to alie– nate the People J from Epifcopacy , tpan all the Books and Sermons of the Oppofers ofEpifcopacy ever did : e. £· The People that I was over would reverentiy have received Pious Bifi1ops : But though tI neverfaw them, nor wrote to them one Letter againfi Epifcopacy thefe 19 years , but. . have largely wriqeri, to draw- them to Commu– nion in the Ptrifh Church , and much prevailed, yet they will now rather forfake me as a complier N 4 ' \Vith· . .