, ( 184 ] ,. . ;withPerfecuters (as Martin did the Biihops) thin · they would own our Diocefane Prelacy ;. fmce · they faw me, and fo many better Men ot their Countrey Silenced, and cafi ou't, and many of themfelves laid in Jails with Rogues, and ruined for r~peating a Sermon together, ~s they were al– ways wont, to do. He that will teach Men to love Prelacy by Prifons, Undoing them , and Si.. lencing and ruining the Teachers whom they have found to be mofi edifying and (aithful to · them, will do more to extirpate Prelacy by ma– king it odious, than all its Enemies could do; The reafon ·of the· thing feconded by full ex– perience are undeniable ·proofs : No Men .that I know of have done more againfi Epifcopacy than ' Bilhops: and (Pardon my (free inviting you to Repentance) none that I know alive , either Se– ctaries or Bifhops, more than,you two, who I un- ' ,feignedly wifh may have the honour before you die , of righting . the Church and repair,ing the honour of true Epifcopacy. It is a dreadful thing to us Nonconformifis to think of appearing be– fore God , under the. Guilt of Silencing Two Thoufand of our felves , if it prove our doing ; If not , let them think of it that believe they ihall be judged, Prov. 26. 27. Whofc diggeth alit (hall fall therein, a1Jd he that rollet~ a Stone it jhal! retUYij upo~ him. I ' ' ' '-/ \ '. . ' ' ~hap/