Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

• ' . Chap. XVI. ih~ Second Letter to Bifh.,opGunmg, alter ou.rjirfl. Conference. , My Lord, I Much delire fome furthet help for my Satisfa-· ction in the Three things, which we lafi Dif~ courfed of. I. Whether I mif-recited or miC– applied the Cafe of St. Martin's Separat.ion? 2, Whether by •'Ev ;'Juout01dov, in Ignatius be not meant One material Altar or Place of ordinary Communion of one Church ? 3. \Vhat are the ' true terms of Univerfal Chrifiian Concord ? But the lafl: is to nie of fo much greater Importance . than the refi, that I will now forbear them, lefi: by diverfion fr~m this, my expeCtation lhould be frufirate. And feein I profefs in this to write to you with an unfeigned defire to learn , and alfo to take the Matter to be fuch as my very Religion and Church relation lyeth on; I befeech you ei~ tber by your felf, or fome other whom you direCt , to fpeak your fenfe, to endeavour my better in., formation. The only terms or way of Vniverfal Chriftian Co~cord you fay is, Obedience ~o the Vniverfal Church: and the Paftors are the Church : And .he u not. a true Member of the Church that doth not ·obey it : And thu Church to be obeyed io not only a General Col1,flcil, but 'alfo a Collegium Pafiorum who rule per literas forrnatas, being SucceJ]ors to the Apoftles, who. had thu Power from Chrift. ' · This is the Subfiance of what I underfiood from you. H~re I Jhall firfi tell you what I hitherto • ' '