Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ ~07 J ·Jo·nors of tbe dffice, but) to detehnine of the petfons that ihall t·eceive it from Chrifi's dona~ rive Infirument, his Law, and minifieri~llyto in- , yell: them ( as men Chrifien, Marry, Crown Kirigs, &c.) . . . . 28. N,o Minifie~ or Priefi reprefente_th Chrilt fimpliciter, but (ecundum quid, as Embalfadors or Juftices do the King. . , . 29. Chrift's Laws ate above mahs, and no (' man's eo be obeyed againft them. To obey man againfi: God is Idol~try.· - · . . . 30. The Priefi:s or BHhops are under Chrift's Laws as well as other~, and by them all -their ttti~ Power is given and limited: . And therefore if they go againft Chrift's Laws,. they reprefent him not therein, nor are to be obeyed; as ufurpihg an unjufc Power. . . . _ 3I. Therefore every Chriftian bathaJudgment of difcerning whether Biiliops Laws agtee with Chrifc's, and muft be governed as reafonable creatures, and noc as Infants, Idiots·or Brutes. . 32. They that deny this, and require ~hfolute obedience in all things, fet man above .God, and . make it the duty of Subjects to be Atheifts, Infi– dels, Idolaters, Mahometans, Murderers, Adul– terers, Hereticks, where Kings, or Popes, or Pre– lates will command it. 33· Multitudes of Church-Canons have been contrary to Chrift's Laws, as I have (with grief) proved in my Hiftory of Councils. , 34· Bilhops that depofed Emperors and Kings wc:re not to be obeyed therein. . ~;. Almofc all the Chriftia.hWorld fmce the ·ufe ofGeneral CoWtcils are difagreed who are the · true Biihops; one Party .fetting up orie 1 who,m X z. others I