Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

' ' others rejeCt and condemn ; fo that if it were ne~ ceifary to .Salvation to 'know who is the true Bia1op of the feveral Churches, few Chriftians could be fave d. . I 36. 'Many Canons nullifie the Office and Power of thefe Bifhops who come in by the Magiftrate>, without the choice or confent of the Clergy and People: And I think Mr. Dodwell profeffeth Com– munion with few but fuch, and fo is by Canons , condemned. · 37· There is no Law ofChrifi:, or unchangeable of ·man for appropriating ~certain fpace of ground to one Bi!hops Jurifdietion. Grotius and Dr. Hammond thought that at firft moft great Qi– ties had two Bi(hops and Churches, one of Jews, and one of Gentiles. And the Apofi:les never fo , appropriated any places to themfelves, but oft di– v~rs in one City were their Teachers. 38. Occupation of a fpace of ground for Priefc– lyPower is no juft Title, and may be altered : And if it were, . the Primitive Occupation was contrary to Mr. Dodwells Model. 39· Ifeach City was to have a Biihop, each of our Corporations tbould have one, being all Ci– ties in that ancient fenfe. 40. It is not neceifary to ail to be of any fixed . particular Church, as I have proved elfewhere (ofTraveJlers, fome Embatfadors, Merchants,Va– grants, &c. ) while they are of the Univerfal Church, and own Chrift, and obey his Law. 4 I·. The Elecl:ors do more to the making of Bifhops than the Ordainers : Oft-times Bi{hops have ordained contrary Competitors, forne one, and fome another; and are oft forc'c to ordain · whom·P1·inces and Patrons chufe.