Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 3°9] ' 42. Cypr:ian and his Carthage Councif, prove in the . Cafe of Martial and Bafllides, that it is the Peoples Duty toforfake thofe Bifi1ops who are not qualified according to Chrift's Law, though Cano– nically ordained and approved. And Martin fepa– rated from filch; and Gildas faith he is' not eximim Chriftianus, that owned the Brittilh Bi!hops. 43· Chrifi bath left fufficient Directions, for the continuation or refioration pf the Priefily Office, without Canonical fucceffive Ordination uninterrupted ; As-well as God hath done for Kings. · I 44· Seeing Mr. D. faith, A P1~e[umptive tide may ferve, he thereby I confelfeth that it is not real Canonical Succeffion, but the Opinion of it that he makes neceifary. 45CThe QQefiion is, Whomufr be the Prefen– ters? When they fo greatly differ? Grotim pre– .fumed that the Chief Minifi:er of a City or a Church was really a Bia1op)though not fo called. 46. The Reformed can prove a more probable Succeffion than the Roman, whofe frequent in– terruptions hath been oft proved. , . . 47· If we mull. imitate the Jf:wilh High Prieft– hood, not every City muft have one , · but every Nation (and fb England bath none) or elfe all the World. · · ,'. · ' I 48. ']udea being a fmall Country., all 'the F'eo~ ,, ple at their great Anniverfaries might go up to ·Jerufalem ; which in great Kingdoms and Empires is impoffible. - 49· It is falfe that we -are united to (:brill: only by the Sacrifice of the Eucharifi. Baptifmwhich is no Sacrifice, firfi uniteeh us to him publickly, as Faith and the Spirit do b~fore fecretly. . X 3 , so. It