Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

t jiO ) · ;o~ It is a fi·ivolous thing of Mr. D . to write a 13ook for one chief Altar and Bifhop, when the QlelHon is of what Church that one mull: be ! ,J ~ave proved that· Ignfltius appropriated them to Churches no bigger than our ' Parifhes, and Mr. Clerkfon bath proved more; and th~ Man con'! futeth none of this proof. · 5J. ~eeiog he difowneth one Univerfal High Prieft , and would have one in every City , or Nation at mofi, who knoweth not that the City :)3ifl1ops of the World are now ( and have been J: 200 Years) in f6 great diffention diCowning each 9thers CommunioQ, that it's hard to lq10w Ca· ·tbolieifm by his way of Comm.union. . · 52. And who ihall Govern thefe feveral Bi- · fhops, if each one be aSuprem/e ? Have they not as much need of Govefnment as Presbyters? 53. The Eucharifi is no otherwife a Sacrifice,, thq.n as it is an infiituted Symbolical Cornmemor~~ tion ofCsrifl's Sacrifice. · . ·; ~4· Thevalidity of the Sacrament depends not. on·rne uninterrupted Succeffion of the Priell, nor· ~is SubjeCtion to the Biiliop. ' 55. There are many Cafes in which it isaDu~y to be orqained, and officiate without the Bifhops. ~onfent : As in all the Popiili Countries where, they will admit none without confent to Sin. : 56. To make Bilhops and all their . Curates the abfolute difpofers ofHeaven and Hell, is ·to fer: up; the highell: Papal Tyranny over Kings and K~ng:.. doms, by vil~ Prefumption. ·. ' ·.· . ' - i.::: )7· · His words that the People can better judge of their vifible Union ·with the HighPriefr and Chrift, ·rha;n of any invifible'ope , is a perni~io~s~ b timacio_n, that this vjfible Chur~h Union will ~,i·.- · :_ .· :· ·-•. · - .:: ·,-... ,_, fave t; ..; -'-..-, t' "<·~