( 3 I I ] fave them that have not the invHible Grace of found Faith, Repentance , and the Spirit of Love and Helinefs. I intended to have proceeded to a difiinCl: An~ fwer to Mr. Doclwell's whole Book, becaufe I take him to be the mofi injurious a d grofs Adverfary to the true Unity of the Church, on pretence of ' ·~leading for Unity , of any that calls himfelf a Protefiant; and find him not only extreamly felf.. conceited, loquacious and magi~erial (in a lowly Garb) but grofly unfincere, intimating his denial of that in Print, which he often owned to me in Private Conference, vi~. for the Nqllity of the Protefiant Churches, that have not his falfe Cha– raCter, for the verity of the French Church, and for the uninterrupted Succeffion of the Papal Seat-; when I undertook to prove it, he told me, It was , not for the interefi ofChrifiianity to fay fo; And yet it is for the intereft ofChrifiianity for him to Unchurch more Chu.rches,I think than the PapiHs ordi~arily do. , But when I had gone thus far, I was fl:opt by the Perfecutions of his Church-Rulers, and then by Sicknefs, c;nd after by near two Years Impri– fonmenc for my Paraphrafe on the New Telta– ment by a Judicature , ·as admirably agreeing to his Principles , as if h~ had been his Difciple (Chancellor }-effreys lately Dead.)anq fuch others. Therefore, not to tire the Reader with more words to fo wordy a Man ', I again and again ' (though I fuppofe in vain) provoke him and his ·dividing Brethren,eo anfwer my Treatife of Epif– copacy, my firfi Plea for Peace, my Sacrilegious deferrion of the Minifiry rebuked, my Apology X 4 for