- ' [ 31~ ] · for the i~onconformifis Preaching , my Engli fi1 Nonconformity, and Mr. David Clerkfon'sPoiihu– mous Book for the Primitive Epifcopacy, againft his FiCtion of the prefent Diocefane Epifcopacy, as , • - having no Bii11ops under them. But fi·auciulent Difpmers will diffemble, and filently pafs by that which they cannot_,anfwer: But will that be Peace to·Confcience in the End,? Having faid as much as I think needful to fatis– fie intelligen·t impartial Readers, againfi his Schif– matical Writings,.in my Book ofChurch-Concord ; and here before, I take my felf difcharged from any Obligation , further to detect or confute his Fallacies. The rather becaufe he can fay and un– fay, as he finds his Interefi: lead him: And his Le· ..., .yiathan Church-Vicegod, \Yhich he feigns to ·be Cod's Proxy to us, from whom there is no ap– peal to Scripture or to,God, will ·to Men that be– lieve. in Chrift, I think by his m,·n Defcriprion, appear as fri-ghtful as Hob's his Leviathan. (Some of this I wrote long after the mofr~of the Book.) , I '~- ~. ----------~----~----------~ - . I ~hap. XX. Dr. Thomas Pierce now 'Dean of Salisb~ry 's Jutlgment (and :I?r.Hamond,s.) I . , . §. 1 ·J Think Dean Piere~ is the only Man furvi- · :ving,whowas Cornmiffioned by Kingeh:;.. · :toTreat wid)l us for Concord , as 'being ·of the Bia1ops part, in I6()r : And who bath lived ro fee by near 30 years Experiencewhether his Zeal againfi the terms of Concord which ' we as hum– ble Sqpplicarrcs offered , bath done moFe Good, ""-' · · - · · ·· · and ~ ~· 4