[ 5. 1 3 ] and prevented more Evil, than a Concord on thofe offered terms would have done. What it bath done ori him I know not, but with others Ex.. perience hach had as litt.le Succefs as Re~fon and · Petitioning had. 1 §. 2. He hath written -againfi me more Book's than one; which no Man bath excelled in infult– ing and in command of words : His work is to prove Grotim to have been no Papifi. few Men living think highlier of Grotim than I as to what he wrote before his change : Efpecially his Book '· De Satisfailione Chrifti, and that De Imperio Sum.. Pot. ~---de Jure Belli, and hrs Annot. on the Evan- ' gelifis. Valejim and Petavim took him to be of their Religion and Church, as did Vincentim, and Saravim. · But I. It is not the Name [Papifl] that I regard, but the Thing. 2: Therefore the doubt , between Dr. Pierce and me is, What is Popery? •He thinks that it is not a proof that he is a Papifi: to be for an Univei·fal Church Juri fdidion, the Church of Rome being taken for the Mifiris ofall Churches, and the Pope as Primate, and Patriarch of the Wefi, governing according to the Canons ,ofCouncils, and not Arbitrarily ; And taking the Articles of Pope ,Pim, his Creed and Oath added at Trent, which contai'n the Body of that which Protef1ants call Popery, to be fuch as may be S\\'Orn and bear a fair fenfe. (ThoughDr. P. him- . felf cannot fubfcribe them.) ,This withall the refl: cited by me out of !lrotim he taketh to be no · proof of a Papifi. .Let ·him call it how he pleafe, · TheFrenchChurch Government, or the Prote- · ,fiant or the Catholick, it' is theThing (a Foreign Jurifdidion, and ·fpecially an Univerfal that I ~~ny.) . ' ·; .s1. And