Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ j 14 ] , §3. And this he himfelf owneth, for the proof of \:vhich I refer the Reader to his Books; p.arti– cularly his New Difcoverer, Append·. P. 206, 207, 2o8: where he is for one Government of the whole Church : Not in fpecie only, (for fo weare a~ well as he , each Governing per partes in his own Province,as Kings in their feveral Kingdoms,) , but, by one Arifrocracy , the Pope being Principium V nitatis ; And· Arillocracy is a Government .formed and unified in und Perforid Politica confifiing ex pbtribus Perfonis naturalibus ; · Elfe it would not make one Soveraignty, nor one Politica!l Church or Society. Therefore his fay– ing P. 206. that the Pope's Primacy 1 as (Univer- · fal) and his Wefiern Patriarchate, is no ll1onarchy, but 'exallly reconcileable with an Ariftocrati(:k.,Go– vernment of the Church] reconcileth not me at all to his Model, who am pafi doubt that, r. One Ari!tocrarical College is far more uncapable of Univerfal Government of the Chriltian World, Jhan a Pope. [If inter impoffibiiia daretur Magis & A-1inus] 2. And that a College of the Subjects of l~oreign Kings (e. g. Frana,, Portugal, .Armenians, .Abaffines, Turks, Mo[cov·ites, &c.) are unfitter for.Foreign Jurifdiction, and particularly to Govern Britain than a, Pope is. The Confutation of Dr. Pierce is fufficiently done before and after : I now only recite his Opinion : And am forry that ( he h· Jure that Dr.Hammond w.u of the fame Religion ivithGrotius, and for fuch a Jurifdiction. But ifany be for the French Church form of Government, call them Papifts or Prote~ants , as they {hall themfelves defire ; It is the Thing, and not the Name that I oppofe. The French know by feeling wha,t that is ; G,d grant \¥e fed i~ no~~ · ~hap$ ...