Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

( ~I5 ] Chap. XXI. That this New fort o{ P relatifls who were for a Coalition with the French or Roman Church, have 6een the great Agents of-all the 'Dividing, Silencing, Perfe.cuting Laws, which have kroug,ht and kept tu theft Twenty [even Tears i,nour dang,erour lacera– ted State. § 1. T. Hat the Church of Engl~tnd before the days of Buckingham and Laud were quite ofanother Mind,I have before fully proved : And · po reafonable Man can dou~t of it, who hath read the Apology of the Church of England)and Jew~fs Pefence of it, and the Writings ofWhitak§r,Futk._, ,f.lumphrey , Field, Willet, Airy, Bernard, Crak§n- , thorpe, Sutliffe; G. Abbot, Rob. Abbot-, J. Reignolds, Morton, Vjher, Downame, John White, Birk,keck._, Cook., Perkjns, J,Jilfon, Andrews, Hall, Davenant, ~nd many fuch Bilhops, Dignitaries, and other Conformifis ;, befides, Cranmer, Ridley, L .atimer, .Hook§r, Farrar, Bradford, Philpot, and the refr of the Mat,"tyrs. Befides tQe Nonconformifis. § 2. And that the true Church of England even in Laud's time arid fince, have never confented eo this Coalition, is evident.. I. In that Heylin con– felfeth that Laud prevailed but with four or five more Bilhops to be fo much as Arminians, viz. · J:Yeale, Howfon, Corbet, Buckgridge, and Mountague: And he that reJdeth Buck§ridge his Book for Kings, and Mountague's Works, will think that even !hey we're agaiufi this Coalition. . . ' -- ;:;- :-- .·- -----· - ------ ··· · -~-• And ·, '