( 51 7J l'urge the Church Mini!lry, of Drunkards, Scan~ dalou$, and ignorant incompetent Men, proceeded too far on Civil Accounts, ~nd ejtCted fon:e fot· adhering w the King, and being ag3inl1: them in the War ( thdugh fome· of us .difi\,·aded them from all fuch feverity.) Cromwe/l firft rebelled againfi: the Parliament, and ufurped the Govern– ment, and fhortly dieCI, and his difiratted inco– herent .Army {hiving againfr the Democratical ReliCts of the Parliamem, di!Tolved their 'ufurped Government, which Dilfolution. brought in King Charles Il. (by Monfz.and the Presbyterians, as the . Difiolution of the Parliament had brought in . Cromwe/l. And with the King return many of the ejeCl:ed exafperated Clergy, full of the De!ires of Revenge, and of preventing all Danger to their .Dignities and Promotions for the time to come ; . But at firfi: they were diffident of their p'refent Strength , and thought they mul1 execute their Revenge and Mutation by degrees : The Lords, Knights and Gentlemen that had fuffered for Fighting againfi the Parliament for the King,Pub– lifl1ed many Prorefiatiqns to draw in the l~resbyterians to refiore the King, that tbey \vould be for Love and Concord)and feek no revenge : Dr.ltfor– ley was fent before the King tu Cajole the l\r1ini- . flers eo believe that the King \vas a Protdlam, and inclined to Moderation ; And thereupon a moderate Party ofEpifcopal Men, mn \:Vith fome called Presbyterians, and declared their de!irts of Concord on fober terms, (viz.. Dr. BernRtrd, Dr. Gulflon , Dr. Alien, and (ft:hers fuch ). But Dr. .ll4orley ufed ·chem to his Ends,_ ;and f11if-ted off all difcove:.y of his Defigns, fiill .·quieting ·them by general pretences-of Iv1oderation, and Trea- . . e UeS'.