( ji9 J mid-way, if we would come as far as we could without Sin. The Drs. that 'were for the n'earer approach to Rome, and the defenders of Grotim his defign , were the chief Agents Cornmiffionedby theKing to Treat with .us, vi:z.. Dr. Sheldon, Dr. Guning, , Dr. Peter Cou{ins, Dr. Sparrow-, Dr. Hey/in, Mr. Thorndikf, Dr. Tho. Pierce, Dr. Hinchman,Dr. Ld– ny, Dr. Stern, and fuch other; but by their Pow– er with the Lord Chancellor Hyde, Dr. Morley, Dr. Sheldon, and Dr. Guning over-ruled all the Work. When we told them how great anum- · ber of the mofi Godly and Loyal people of the Land would be undone for nothing by rhe Impo:. fitions which they feemed to refolve for, and how unavoidable a Divifion it would caufe throughout the Nation, and what Encouragement Prophane- ·nefs and Popery would thence take, and ,'what mifchievous Effeets among the.Clergy and Peo– ple would unavoidably follow, and how eafily all this might be by them prevented, and the Love . and Honour of their Perfons and Order hereby won, Dr. Guning and others told us plainly that they hadagt·eater party thanwe are to (onfider, that mua not be alienated to pJeafe us : And when Dr. Bates faid that abundance more of rhe Popia1 Ceremonies might be introduced by the fame Reafons as were pleaded for thofe impofed, Dr. Guning anfwered, They mufr have more and not fewer. And Dr. Morley told me, That he had good reafon to believe that moft of .the Ro– man Church on this fide the Alpes .(that is, France ) would have joined with us, were it not for the.flumbli:ng Blocks that Calvin had laid in the way. They charged us with Sedition for tell- . ·· · ling . ~