Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ ~10 J . in·g them how !?any would d~~ent and fuffer, and whac a weakemng fuch a D1V1fion, and the ·pe– nalties that muft enforce i~, would be to the Pro· teftant Intereft and to the Land : And they all agreed ( fave Dr. Gauden) that they would not abate one "Ceremony to prevent all this : Yea 1e/l they fhould not cafi· out enough of the IY1inifiers, they put in more and harder Impolitions, and made the Terms of Concord and Miniftry fuch as they knew would turn out more; Sheldon and others of them faying, They were afraid too ma– ny would Conform, and if this much would not turn them out, there fhould be more; for Ene- , mies in the Church were more dangerous than wicbout. . § 6. It is likely that the Drs. and Bia1ops that had been with him beyond Sea, knew the King's Religion and Defigns, and to keep up their world– ly Greatnefs, Qominion and Wealth, refolved to pleafe him that he might pleafe them : What Re– ligion King Charles the Second was ofat hi~ Death, .his Brother hath told us :· And what he was be– fore his Return, I marvel not that Huddlefton tells us fo obfcurely : But I had rather believe his own words and deeds, than the reports or conjectures of others. · It was the Opinion of the wifefl: Papifis that Liberty for all Religions, with the Power of Dif– pofing of all offices of Government and Prefer~ l'tents, would be enough to bring in Pope~y, and that there was n6 other ·way : And that till the King could fafely declare himfelf for Popery·, his way was to do all as a Protefiant that might ad· vantage them : Efpecially to divide and break the Protefiams, and root ou~ thofe of ehem,who were • , - - moft