[ ') 11 ] " · moll: 'unreconcileable to Rome,, and to ~ngage tl)e orher to perfecute and defiroy them,that it mighc not be doneas by the Papifis,but they might feem · their Fellow-Diffenters , and {!light come when– ever the Neceffity of others ihould open the Door. , · - The King had the Choice of the Bin1ops, and Deans and orher Church Preferments, and of the ~1afiers of Colleges, and of the Judges, and other Civil Powers and Honours : Accordingly he made thofe Biihops, Deans, MafiersofColleges,&c. who were known to be the mofi obedient to his Will) and the greatefi Enemies to thofe called Pu_ricans, and thofe that Philanax the PapiH called Proteftants I of Sincerity. And by the help of the Lord Chan• cellor, Morley, Sheldan, and the refr, got the ma– fiery of all the Dependent Clergy , when it was . feen that all their preferments came much by-their Wills. And that thofe called Puritans) and Pres.. byterians might end with that Generation they laboured to place all the Students in the .Univerfities, ,under fuch as would po!fefs them.with the. gteateft contempt and hatred of thofe men , and to ·perfwade them that all that Conformed not to · all their baths, Covenants and lmpofitions, \Yere but a pack of Fanaticks, Schifinaticks and R~bels. And by their great Indullry the. Univerfities , Dignities and Clergy in moll: Power, were much thus confiicuted. And the Nonconformifis being men who were noted for more ferioufnefs in Reli.. , gion than the common fQrt ofmen , and accor- -dip,gly for a more ferious way ofPraying, Preach– ing, Difcourfing and Living than the Multitude of Hypocrites , that are Religious but as far as pleafeth their ~ellies, their Purfes, arid their Ma· ' - - · Y - ·-'fters~ ' ' J