.. ·' r ~1.2 1 1ters, it unhappily fell out that the doors of Pre..– ferment ~eing opc:n to thofe that ~ad no Scruple · ofCon(ctence agamfi any of the 1mpofed Cove· nants or PraCtices , the main Body of thofe that had truly no Religion , became an engaged Party againfr the Nonconformifis, and took the power· ful Biilieps for their Captains, and fo Prelacy and Hypotrifie , and Prophanenefs united their Inte– refis, and became the firength of one another : And this is become the fatal Odium of Prelacy among the moft Religious of the Land, and I fear will either finally root it out , or aWorldly Pre– lacy confederating ·firft with the Prophane, and after with the Papifis , will root out from the Publick Churches true ferious Religion. · ~7. Er-<>mfirft to lafi King charles {hewed his own Judgment, I. In his Declaration for Tole.. ration at &-eda : II. When he granted us his De– claration about Ecclefiafi:ical Affairs; which was to try whether we would confent to acommoner Toleration : In the Conclufion of the Day, the difiafie feJl on me. The Lord Chancellor dtew out another Paper, defiring a Liberty ofReligion forall others .that lived peaceably : And faid, He knew not what to think of it himfelf, but defired the ,Company to fpeak their Minds ·: Neither Lords or Bifhops, or any of their Drs. faid a word :,to it : After twice or thrice asking , no one aJ;i– 'fw~red· : Dr. Wallu ftanding next me, faid, [I pray theefay nothing, It is anodiom Bufinefs] I forbore, till I perceived rthat they would take our Silence for Confent, and then I faid [May ·it Pleafe ronr Majefty, This reverend Dr. (Guning) juft ·now ac– cufed m, as if we would letin Socinians and ,p11pijfs : We foppofe t'ht~t thu is not. intended 7 fM oHr deeJ.] •~ - · - · ·· -- ·-· ·· The ..