Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

~ ~2~ J The King anfwered, [There be many Laws again{t the Papifts] I replyed , [We underffand this to be f or a di{pcnfation with thofe Law.r.] There was no more faid , and that was the Conclufion of the day. . Ill. In ID62. came out a Declaration for Liber~· ty of Religion,, naming the Papifis to have their part in it, but not aToleration. I was defired to gee the City Minifiers to Subfcribe aTbankfgiv– if!g for it : I told ~hem , that it was the King:s-– Work, .and not to be done by us ; But I knew It , was the Bi(hops de6gn to caft the Odium ofaTo– leration ofPopery on the Nonconformifis, while they would gratifie the 'King, by forcing us to Confent ; But they ibould never do it : They. fhould do it themfelves, or it ihouldnot be done.~ And ic prefently died. IV.-The Lord Bridgman called Dr. Wilkjns,and his Chaplain Dr.Hez... Burton, and Dr. Mantonand me, and Dr. Bates (after) as by the King's Order, to attempt an Agreement, for a Cornprehenlion to the Presbyterians, and a Toleration for the In– dependents. w·e agreed of the Comprehenfion in termim5 ·, and Judge Hale drew it up into the form of an Act : But when we came to the other ' part, the form propofed was for aToleration of aU., not excepting the Papifis. I told the Lord Keeper• that we could not meddle in meafuring out all other mens Liberty , but only to declare what we defired our felves : Others mlifi: be confulted a· /bout their own concerns , we were not fat feve· rity againfi any.; But it was the Kiag·sWork, ancl we,unmeet'tobe'hisCoumellors im it. .And foall ·was caft offby the Parliament by that means, and ~~e Act forQiaden ro:beyoffereda ~ 8 A ~ , • c ' ~ . - . . '