[ j24 J §8. At lal1: the King himfelf broke the i~e, and Publit'hed a Declaration for Lkenfing aTole– ration : The Cruelty of the Profecution of the Nonconformifis, being fiill the feeming Neceffity for all: But the Parliament' brpke it, and it did ' the Papifts much more harm than good ; for the Nonconformifis continued to Preach though Perfecuted. · §9. The Clergy now would lay all the Seve.;. ' rities on the Parliament , and wat'h their own hands as guiltlefs of all. But 1. It was they,even their chi~f Bijhops and Drs. that when the King Commiffioned them [to .Agree on fuch Altera– ·tions M were necejfary to tender Confciences] after all importunity , concluded that no. .Alteration WM fo neceffary.] 2. And it was the Bijhops and Convocat~on that · altered the Book for the worfe , and put in new matter harder than before. 3. And the Bilhops in Parliament were the Chief Agents in all the ·Laws by which we are undone. ' 4· And it is known that it was the Interell of the Biiliops and their Church way that engaged the Long Parliament in all their terrible Ac.1s again(t us ; Vi7... The ACt of llniformity , the Ads for Banit'hment, the Fivemile Acr, the Cor– poration Aet , the Militia Aet , the Veftry ACt, and others. . _5. And who knoweth not that it is they and their bifciples that make the great fiir, againft our Healing in jealoufie of their lnterefis, which , nothingbut their own over-doing is like to over– :throw. I - 6~ And