( 32)] 6. And when did they·ever once Petition ·any Parliament to reverfe the dividing \vicked Laws? or to re.fiore the Silenced MiniHers ? or to free them fr9m dying with Rogues in Jails, or to pre– fer the Minifiers of Jefus, before Barabb.u? or ' to reque.fi: 'that the Eminent Minifiers of Chrifi: ,. might nave no greater Puniiliment for Preaching Chrift, than debaucht ·whoremongers, Drun– kards, Swearers and Blafphemers ufually have in Englapd. · . ' ' \ 7· Yea, iLr Godly Conformifi do but write againfi their Cruelty to ,the Nonconformifis (fuch as are Mr. Pierce, Mr.Jones, Mr.Bold, ) they .have for it Perfecuted him as if he were a Non~ conformift himfelf. And that you may know ' that it is not the old Church-men, nor yet a few fingle Perfons, when Dr. Whitby Prebend of Sa– lubury who had wrote againfi: Popery/, qid write an excellent Treatife for Peace and Reconcilia· tion, the Oxford Univerfity Decreed the Publick burning of it (together with my Holy Common– wealth : The Lord Convert and Pardon them, that they prove not the burned fewel, when Rer conciliation and a Holy Common-wealth are profperous.] &c. God fi1all judge at laft. · · . § 10. All this time (from Laud till now), it is a hard Controverfie which of the two Parties is to be called, The Church of England? Both Parties pretend to it , and fome call both of them , the fame Church. But the Infamous Roger L'Eftrange fet the Name of Trimmers on the old and recon– cilln'g Party, pretending that the other were, the Genuin·e Members of the Church_; And was im~ ployed by his Geoius,and the'Court,and the Papifis, and the New Clergy-men, to do a work fo truly , Y 3 Diabo- • '