[ 316 J Diabolical, asI never read of tf.te like in Hifiory ; even for many Years together to Write andPub– Hili twice a Week a Dialogue called Obferva– tions, mainly levelled againfl: L6ve, Peace and Piety, to perfwade all men to hate their Brethren, and to provoke men to defiroy them \V hom he Nic;k-namedWhigs, and to render odious all fave the Wolves ' ( whom he called Tories , as if he owned the Irilh Robbers); fo that a Trimmer wi~h him was the fame as aPeace-maker, ~lelfed by Chrifi; and Curfed by L'Ejlrange. § 11 . But whether the New Clergy or the Old be the Church of England, and whether both ·be ofone Church, remaineth fiill doubtful: But who· ever bath the Name, that one Name is equivocal when applied to Parties contrary, and inconfifient. ·1. That Church which-owneth a Foreign Govern– ment andJurifdiet:ion, cannot be one and the fame witlithat Church which renounceth and abhor– reth it, and owneth only Chrift's Univerfal Go– vernment, . and a Foreign Concord and Commu– nion: 13pt this is the differenc~ between the Old Reformed Ghurcb of England, .and theNew that call themfelves ;the Church. Two Kings make two Kingdoms : For the Form denominateth : And the Relative Vnion of the pars Impe-rans; ·and Subdita, is the Form. ·: · · · That Church which bathaHuman Head above National , :muft have a Form and Name ,above National : that is, Above a Church of England : which makes them all talk fo much of. [The Uni... ·, ' verfal Church] in .this falfe humane Form. An Univerfal Chtirch bath an Univer{al Soveraign :Power; vvhieh is only Chrj{t._, Jf, the Pope be Anticbrift, it is his·claim f<of ~4is that mak~tb; , · ·. · . · .. . , bun :- . t ' ~ ,. ; ~.