Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

' [ jl8 ] ~ongreg_ational (Parochial) Biiliops , or ·Apofio. lick Overfeers of fuch : and no ·Diocefans over many Hundred or Score .Pari!hChurches, that had Bo Bifbops under them. · · · · §I z. When you confider what Power the New Foreigners had at Court, and with the Parliament that made the ACt: of Uniformity ; and required Re-ordination, anq that made all the other perfe– cu,ting Atts ; and with the Jufiice~ that executed them-: And when we fee how they promoted the Roman Int~refi; and when we fee ' hQW potently · and ob!linarely,they frufrrated all attempts of the Protefiant Union here, and read how they reviled the old Reforming Bi!hops (from Par~r to Ab– bots) and the Parliaments as going too far from Rome ; And when we confider that we have not one Biiliop but who was chofen by K. Charles II. ~nd K.1ames, ahd what Men they may be fuppofed to choofe ; ·we C0ntradict not thefe Men when they call themfelves [the Church of England] Eut : wh~n we confider that the ·old Homilies, Apojogy , Articles, Liturgy, Canons, &c. · were · nev~r yet repealed, and that they are ,all Sworn· to End~avour no Alteration of Government of Church or State, we have caufe to think that the , old Party have more right to be calledThe Church, ~he altering Endeavours having not changed its Efientials. ,. . , By this much the .Reezder may Expopnd whom I fpe~k of in my·Treatife of Epifcopacy. · ·· , : § .I 3. The Church is novhing, but the Men that conllitute the Church : If 1. · Ir be denominated by their Numbers, no man can tell which·Parcy , bath the' greater Number till they are further put 1 • v.pon the ttyal ~ ~ ~· If ~hey . are.denomina_ced by •••• • J • n · . . , . . , · Laws~ ...... -