Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 33° ] § I 5. And how mp~h the French meant to bring down the Pope , thetr late Tranfactions fhew a little, but their Dottrines much more: Mr. Ju– rieu himfelf in his Pofieral Letters ( Engl. p. 216. 2 I 7. ) thus Defcribeth them. ·' ! . That the Church of Rome is no more thana Particular Church, as other Churches are~ i. That St. Peter had nothing but a Primacy of Order, and Preftdence above the Apofiles. 3· That St. 1'eter could give ( to his Succeifor ) over other Bi– fhops, no more but that Primacy which he had over the Apofiles. 4· That the ~ilhop of Rome Originally, and by Divine Right, had no Power over the Univerfal Church. 5. ·That he did not receive Appeals in the firfl: Age of the Church. , 6~ That he bad no Right to Aifemble Gene– ral Councils. 7. That he could take Cog– nizance of the Affairs of no other Provinces but his own; no not by Appeals. 8. That he had no Right to take Knowledge of Matters of Faith, to make Decifions therein; which ihould oblige the whole Church. 9· That before the Council of Nice, and after, be had no infpeCl:ion over other Churches,but thofe which were in the Neighbour- , hood of Rome. 1 o. That he could not Excommu– nicate other Bifi1ops, otherwife than the other Bia1ops could Excommunicate him. I r. That a Man might feparate himfelf from the Biiliop .of ~ome, without being a Schifmatick, and out of the C::hurch. . I 2. That the Pope had no Right over other Bi!hops. I 3. Th~t theCouncil of Sar· dic~t is the Fountain 'of that Right of receiving Appeals which the Pope claimeth. I4. That the Rights which the Pope bath at this Day, except– ing.his Primacy, ar~by Human Laws; and be.. , . · · · caufe