Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

1 t j~I ] caufe he bath a!fumed them to himfelf , and be.: caufe they have bin conceded to him. 1 5. To which they add, be is not Infallible, nor Superior to Councils, nor Mafier to the Temporalities of Kings.] This is the French Religion, and who would think that this is Popery: No wonder if the1•Pop.e be ·more hearty for othe Friends, than for F.raNcc. § 15. Lay all this together, and it's Notorious ·that ( though Whetgift and fome other Calvinills were too much guilty of the Perfecutions , to keep up the Dominion and Preferments which · , they Wf:re jealous of ) yet it was ~he French .Reconcilers that have fet, and to this Day kept on foot our prefent increafed Divifions and Dangers : Since Le Strange new-named them,theoldChurch Protefiants arecalle4 Trimmers, and are Men that love not Divifion or Perfecution , and would fain fee a Coalition of Protefiants ; though they have not zeal enough ( fave too few ) to put it onop~nly, left they provoke the oppofites. But the Lau– dians called Tories, are fiill as much againfi: the. Removal of the Dividfng, Perfecuting, Snares, and againfi: the Coalition of Erlgliih Protefiants, on any poffible healing Terms, as e\rer, and as fiercely feek the Continuance of our Slavery and Silence. Chap~