Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ ~)4 J of Divin~s faving eight ) were the Men that chore rather to put down the Englifh Prelacy , than to run the hazard of the .change of Civil Govern– ment and Introduction of Popery. So that both Popery , and the favorers of it, feerned quite call: out in England. Bur ·Cromwell and his Armies Ufurpation and Treafons fo Exafperated the tWo , Kingdoms, both Epifcopal and Presbyterians, that after his Death ( his Army having call: themfelves and the Land into Confufion ) they brought in King Charles II~ who by his Declaration from Breda, and his Treaty in 61 with the Noncoofor-' mills , and his Declaration 1662. (called Briftols) and by his Treaty with us by the Lord Keeper Bridgman, and by his Declaration for Tolerati.. on', fiill laboured fo Srrenuoufly to give Popery a Toleration , that difcerning Men were fatisfied that he was then of theReligion that he dy,ed in,(if he had any) or at leall: had engaged himfelf to , introduce it: To which ends. I. 'the dividing of the Protefiants, 2. The EjeCting, Silencing,Ruin– ing , lmprifoning or Banilhing thofe of them that were moft unreconcileable to Popery ; 3. The keeping fuch out by new Impofttions of Oaths, Subfcriptions,Profeffions and Praeti<:es,were found to be the fitteft means: 4· To which was added, the Exafperating the long Parliament ( of Men be– foreExafperared)againft rhern.;.And theDeclaring and Swearing the People againft the Lawfulnefs of any Military Defence of Parliament or Kingdom againft any Coi:nmiffioned by the King. 6. And to bring all thofe that fcrnpled fuch Oaths, under - · the odious Name of Nonconforming Rebels, (Though they were 'all againfi Defenfive War by ,any private Men or ~aCtion;or for any ~aufe lefs • ~-·· · · -. · - ··· ·-- · than