Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ ~35 ] than the faving of the Kingdom froin apparent Ruine, Subverlion· or Alienation). 7. To which was added , the taking away of all Legillative Power from Parliaments, .and appropriating it only to the King (the firenuous Endeavour of ;Bi~ fl1op Morley's lafi Book againft me, and ofmany others. 8. Which were all thought an unrefifii– ble force while the King, (of whatever Religion) had the choice of all the BiilJops, Deans and Dig– nitaries, and confequently ofthat called The Church of England ; 9· And alfo the choice of Judges, and the making of Lords. 1 o. And the .changit)g ofCorporation Charters. § 5· To _thefe ufes (~hat ~e may not accufe the Innocent) It was comparatively ·. but ·a few men that were the vilible '})rime Infiruments , beftdes the non·appearing Jefuits or other Papifis): Tha-t "is, Chancellor Hic!_e, Dr. Sheldon , Dr. Morley, Dr. Guning , whom not only Dr. Hinchnum ~ Dr. Coufins ' ·Dr. Lany, Dr. Stcrne, and feveral others fo1lowed ex 11nimo; but alfo rnofi of the worldly fequacious ·part of the Clergy and Laity, for ·Interefi and Preferment fake, when they faw 'that the Interefi of Sheldon an<j MorleJ with the Chancellor, was _a great and neceifary means of obtaining their defires. ) · , § 6. But the bringing us to French Popery-by the Grotian way , proved fo flow by .many ftdps, tha~ it hath by God~s Mercy been hitherto much fi·ufirate and prevented. For the King muff not make profetfed Papifis to be Biihaps, Deans and Convocation Men~ lefi the notoriety of the De– ftgn ~ould raife unconquerable :Offence and Op;– pofiuon : The Name of Popery was to be renoun– ced, even by thofe that were for -a Foreign Jurif- - .. ---- - - . - -- - - .Al . • ~1cbon : ~ ' I